Python 中的异步多处理与池 apply_async

Asynchronous multiprocessing in Python with pool apply_async

我想在共享内存机器上使用异步并行机制并行处理时间图(本质上是 networkx 图的列表)。为了实现它,我使用 multiprocessing 模块中的 Pool.apply_async()。时间图由 5 个单元(快照)图组成。对于每个单元图,我执行多个计算量大的矩阵运算。


# Constants
NV  = 100    # No. of vertices
NE  =  25    # No. of edges
NG  =   5    # No. of unit graphs

# Generate random time-varying graph
Gt = gen_time_graph(NV, NE, NG)

# Snapshot index
k = 0

# for each unit graph
for Gk in Gt:

    # Temporal adjacency matrix
    Atk = adj_mtrx(Gk)

    # Temporal weight matrix
    # ...

    # Temporal eigenvector centrality
    # ...

    k += 1


# Constants
NV  = 100    # No. of vertices
NE  =  25    # No. of edges
NG  =   5    # No. of unit graphs
NP  =   2    # No. of processes

# Generate random time-varying graph
Gt = gen_time_graph(NV, NE, NG)

# Snapshot index
k = 0

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with Pool(processes=NP) as pool:

        # for each unit graph
        for Gk in Gt:
            # Temporal adjacency matrix
            Atk = pool.apply_async( adj_mtrx, (Gk) ).get()
            # Temporal weight matrix
            # ...

            # Temporal eigenvector centrality
            # ...

            k += 1


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/", line 125, in worker
    result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
TypeError: adj_mtrx() takes 1 positional argument but 100 were given

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 100, in <module>
    Atk = pool.apply_async( adj_mtrx, (Gk) ).get()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/", line 771, in get
    raise self._value
TypeError: adj_mtrx() takes 1 positional argument but 100 were given

我需要帮助调试问题。看起来,图 GkPool 分解并作为一组顶点传递给函数。另外,如果您能对我的通用并行化方法(的适当性)发表评论,我将不胜感激 multiprocessing.



import networkx as nx
import random   as rnd
import numpy    as np

from multiprocessing import Pool

# Generates random graph
def gen_rnd_graph(nv, ne):
    # Create random list of sources
    Vsrc = [rnd.randint(0,nv-1) for iter in range(ne)]
    # Create random list of sinks
    Vsnk = [rnd.randint(0,nv-1) for iter in range(ne)]
    # Create random list of edge weights
    U = [rnd.random() for iter in range(ne)]
    # Create list of tuples {Vsrc, Vsnk, U}
    T = list(zip(Vsrc,Vsnk,U))
    # Create graph
    G = nx.Graph()
    # Create list of vertices
    V = list(range(nv))
    # Add nodes to graph
    # Add edges between random vertices with random edge weights
    return G

# Generates time-varying graph
def gen_time_graph(nv, ne, ng):

    # Initialise list of graphs
    l = []

    for i in range(ng):
        gi = gen_rnd_graph(nv, ne)

    return l

# Computes adjacency matrix for snaphot of time-varying graph
def adj_mtrx(Gk):

    # no. of vertices
    n = Gk.number_of_nodes()

    # adjacency matrix
    Ak = np.zeros([n,n])

    # for each vertex
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if Gk.has_edge(i,j): Ak[i,j] = 1
    return Ak

# Constants
NV  = 100    # No. of vertices
NE  =  25    # No. of edges
NG  =   5    # No. of unit graphs
NP  =   2    # No. of processes

# Generate random time-varying graph
Gt = gen_time_graph(NV, NE, NG)

# Snapshot index
k = 0

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with Pool(processes=NP) as pool:

        # for each unit graph
        for Gk in Gt:
            # Temporal adjacency matrix
            Atk = pool.apply_async( adj_mtrx, (Gk) ).get()
            k += 1

根据 apply_async 的文档,函数的签名是

apply_async(func[, args[, kwds[, callback[, error_callback]]]])

因此,您需要将 Gk 作为元组传递,即 (Gk,):

Atk = pool.apply_async( adj_mtrx, (Gk,) ).get()


您的函数检索 *Gk 作为输入,结果是节点列表:

import networks as nx
g = nx.karate_club_graph()
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1 和 0 长度的元组

有关创建 0 和 1 元素元组的更多详细信息:How to create a tuple with only one element or directly the section in the python documentation

基本上,您使用 () 创建一个长度为 0 的元组,使用 (Gk,) 创建一个长度为 1 的元组,对于任何更大数量的元素,您可以使用 (x_1, ..., x_n)(x_1, ..., x_n,).


*-运算符可用于使用任意数量的参数。请参阅 python documentation and section before. Similarly, you can use ** for arbitrary amount of keyword arguments. For more details, take a look at What does the star operator mean, in a function call? 以及此问题中列出的重复项。