IBM Domino - 哪个文档对于组是唯一的

IBM Domino - Which document is unique for Groups

names.nsf 中的每个组是否有唯一的文档值?

我想通过 TDI Notes 连接器添加和删除组内的成员。 我意识到当我选择 ListName 作为 link 条件时,有时会有多个查找结果。

请注意,我们有多个 domino 服务器。 names.nsf 和组正在复制,所以我正在寻找一个组的文档(唯一 ID),该组在不同的 domino 服务器上不会更改。


Notes/Domino 中的每个文档都有一个唯一标识符 UniversalID。不幸的是,此标识符未保存在任何字段中。但我在谷歌上搜索了一些关于 TDI Notes Connector 的信息,发现 this page

而且 TDI 似乎将 universalid as 字段添加到它检索的每个文档中作为 $$UNID:

The following Entry Attributes are added by the Connector itself (their values are not available as document items):

$$UNID - the Universal ID of the document (see "The $$UNID and $$NoteID Attributes")
The $$UNID and $$NoteID Attributes
The Universal ID (UnID) is the value that uniquely identifies a Domino document. All replicas of the document have the same UnID and the UnID is not changed when the document is modified. This value should be used for tracking objects during synchronization. The Universal ID value is mapped to the $$UNID Attribute of Entry objects delivered by the Connector. The value of the $$UNID Attribute is a string of 32 characters, each one representing a hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F).