为什么在 Xamarin 中使用 ContentProvider 插入项目后我的数据库为空?

Why is my DB empty after I insert an item using the ContentProvider in Xamarin?


ServiceDB _s_DB; // implements SQLiteOpenHelper, I'll add the code bellow
public const string AUTHORITY = "com.***.***.CustomProvider";
static string BASE_PATH = "accesstokens";
static string DATABASE_TABLE = "accesstokens";
public static Android.Net.Uri CONTENT_URI = Android.Net.Uri.Parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/" + BASE_PATH);
// MIME types used for getting a list, or a single access token
public const string MIME_TYPES = ContentResolver.CursorDirBaseType + "/vnd.com.***.***.AccessTokens";
public const string MIME_TYPE = ContentResolver.CursorItemBaseType + "/vnd.com.***.***.AccessTokens";
// Column names
public static class InterfaceConsts
    public const string Id = "_id";
    public const string Token = "token";
    //ubaci exparation date

public override Android.Net.Uri Insert(Android.Net.Uri uri, ContentValues values)
    Android.Util.Log.Debug("Test", "Insert");
    //---add a new token---  
    var _database = _s_DB.WritableDatabase;
    long rowID = _database.Insert(DATABASE_TABLE, "",  values);

    //---if added successfully---  
    if (rowID > 0)
        var _uri = ContentUris.WithAppendedId(CONTENT_URI, rowID);
        Context.ContentResolver.NotifyChange(_uri, null);
        return _uri;
    throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + uri);

我的对象 ServiceDB _s_DB 实现了这个方法:

const string DatabaseName = "accesstokens.db";
const string DatabaseTable = "accesstokens";
const string create_table_sql = "CREATE TABLE " + DatabaseTable + " (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL UNIQUE, token TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE)";
const int DatabaseVersion = 1;
public ServiceDB(Context context) : base(context, DatabaseName, null, DatabaseVersion) { }

public override void OnCreate(SQLiteDatabase db)
    Android.Util.Log.Debug("Test", "Service Database Created");
    // seed with data
    db.ExecSQL("INSERT INTO accesstokens (token) VALUES ('token1')");
    db.ExecSQL("INSERT INTO accesstokens (token) VALUES ('token2')");

最后,我的 MainActivity class,我首先读取 2 个自动创建的标记,然后添加第三个标记,然后再次读取所有三个...

MainActivity onCreate 有这个:

string[] projection = new string[] { CustomProvider.InterfaceConsts.Id, CustomProvider.InterfaceConsts.Token};
string[] fromColumns = new string[] { CustomProvider.InterfaceConsts.Token };

    // CursorLoader introduced in Honeycomb (3.0, API_11)
    var loader = new CursorLoader(this, CustomProvider.CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, null);
    var cursor = (ICursor)loader.LoadInBackground();
    if (cursor != null)
        while (cursor.MoveToNext())
            String s = cursor.GetString(cursor.GetColumnIndexOrThrow("token"));
            Android.Util.Log.Debug("Test","aaa " + s);

    Android.Util.Log.Debug("Test", "Create new item");
    ContentValues content = new ContentValues();
    content.Put(CustomProvider.InterfaceConsts.Id, "3"); 
    content.Put(CustomProvider.InterfaceConsts.Token, "token3");
    var ddd = ApplicationContext.ContentResolver.Insert(CustomProvider.CONTENT_URI, content);

    Android.Util.Log.Debug("Test", "ddd: " + ddd);
    ICursor c = ApplicationContext.ContentResolver.Query(CustomProvider.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);

    if (c != null)
        while (c.MoveToNext())
            String s = c.GetString(c.GetColumnIndexOrThrow("token"));
            Android.Util.Log.Debug("Test","ccc " + s);

然后,我从盒子里取出我创建的数据库(我在 AndroidTV 上工作)并用数据库浏览器打开它,数据库是空的,甚至 table 都没有创建!!


aaa token1
aaa token2


ddd: content://com.***.***.CustomProvider/accesstokens/3

ccc token1
ccc token2
ccc token3

再次,我关闭应用程序,然后从电视中提取 accesstokens.db,然后用数据库浏览器打开它,甚至没有创建 table,而且也没有行.



编辑 1:


[ContentProvider(new string[] { CustomProvider.AUTHORITY }, Exported = true, GrantUriPermissions = true, Label ="CustomProvider")]

编辑 2: 我已设法在控制台中捕获此错误:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.***.***/com.***.***.MainActivity}: android.database.SQLException: Failed to insert row into content://com.***.***.CustomProvider/accesstokens

我用你的代码来改变,它在我这边运行良好。您可以从 GitHub 查看源文件。我使用 Listview 来显示数据库中的项目。

GitHub: https://github.com/WendyZang/Test/tree/master/SimpleContentProvider

我的自定义 ContentProvider:VegetableProvider,覆盖 OnCreate 方法并对代码进行一些更改。

自定义 ContentProvider:VegetableProvider

//---add a new book---  
_s_DB = new VegetableDatabase(this.Context);
var _database = _s_DB.WritableDatabase;


cursor = ContentResolver.Query(VegetableProvider.CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, null);
        adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, cursor,
            fromColumns, toControlIds);

        listView.Adapter = adapter;


事实证明,我通过以下行向主要 activity 中的内容提供者请求了许可:

ApplicationContext.ContentResolver.TakePersistableUriPermission(CustomProvider.CONTENT_URI, Android.Content.ActivityFlags.GrantWriteUriPermission);

