困扰 VBA 版本差异:版本 6 和版本 7

Troubled with VBA version difference: version 6 and version 7

我是 VBA 的新手并使用 excel 2010 64bit VBA v6.0 compatible. I pasted the code,尝试通过 VBA 下载文件。

Option Explicit
'Tutorial link: https://youtu.be/H4-w6ULc_qs
#If VBA7 Then
   Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias _
     "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As LongPtr, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal _
       szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As LongPtr, ByVal lpfnCB As LongPtr) As LongPtr
   Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias _
     "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal _
       szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long
#End If

Sub download_file()
'Thanks for downloading the code.
'Please visit our channel for a quick explainer on how to use this code.
'Feel free to update the code as per your need and also share with your friends.
'Download free codes from http://vbaa2z.blogspot.com
'Support our channel: youtube.com/vbaa2z
'Author: L Pamai (vbaa2z.team@gmail.com)

Dim downloadStatus As Variant
Dim url As String
Dim destinationFile_local As String

url = [D3]
destinationFile_local = "C:\Users\myUserName\Downloads\" & fileName([D3])

downloadStatus = URLDownloadToFile(0, url, destinationFile_local, 0, 0)

If downloadStatus = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Downloaded Succcessfully!"
    MsgBox "Download failed"
End If

End Sub

Function fileName(file_fullname) As String

    fileName = Mid(file_fullname, InStrRev(file_fullname, "/") + 1)

End Function

但是,弹出窗口 window 表示它只能 运行 在 64 位系统上,如下所示:

编译错误: 此项目中的代码必须更新才能在 64 位系统上使用。请查看并更新 Declare 语句,然后使用 PtrSafe 属性对其进行标记。


  1. 我用的是window和office 64位系统。为什么 window 不断弹出?

  2. 有什么办法可以解决这个问题吗?


正如错误告诉你的那样,将 PtrSafe 关键字添加到 VBA7 分支

#If VBA7 Then
   Private Declare PtrSafe Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias _
     "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As LongPtr, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal _
       szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As LongPtr) As Long
   Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias _
     "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal _
       szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long
#End If

您需要在使用 LongPtrLongLong.


这是 PtrSafe

上的 MS 文档