在 ASP.NET 核心 MVC 中使用 select 查询时出现 InvalidOperationException

InvalidOperationException when using select query in ASP.NET Core MVC

我正在创建一个 table,它将显示我的 SQL 数据库中的某些列。我收到错误

InvalidOperationException: The model item passed into the ViewDataDictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List, but this ViewDataDictionary instance requires a model item of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable

我已尝试 运行 原始 sql 查询(使用 .FromSqlRaw),但在我看来 returns 模型值为空。我了解该错误,无法将我的查询设置为列表并返回 IEnumerable,但我在网上找不到成功。请让我知道我可以改进什么。谢谢!


@model IEnumerable<MyApp.Models.BookModel>
                            @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.BookName)
                            @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Author)
                    @foreach (var item in Model)
                                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.BookName)
                                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Author)


        public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
                var data = _context.BookModel
                    .Where(x => x.Id == 10)
                    .Select(x => new { x.BookName, x.Author })

                return View(await data);
            catch (Exception)


附注:设置 id = 10 用于测试目的。

您可以发送 MyApp.Models.BookModel 的列表,将查询更改为:

var data = _context.BookModel
    .Where(x => x.Id == 10)
    .Select(x => new BookModel { BookName = x.BookName, Author = x.Author })

var data = _context.BookModel
    .Where(x => x.Id == 10)
    .Select(x => new { x.BookName, x.Author })
    .Select(x => new BookModel { BookName = x.BookName, Author = x.Author })
