我们可以打开端口以允许来自 GKE master 的流量吗?

Can we open port to allow traffic from GKE master?

GKE master 在 HA 模式下运行,并且 VM 在 VM 实例页面中也不可见。是否可以通过打开更多端口来允许 GKE master 上的流量,除了已经为 k8s 打开的 443 API.

GKE 是托管集群,您无法在主节点上执行修改。控制平面在 VM 实例中不可见,所有交互都必须使用 kubectl.

The master is the unified endpoint for your cluster. All interactions with the cluster are done via Kubernetes API calls, and the master runs the Kubernetes API Server process to handle those requests. You can make Kubernetes API calls directly via HTTP/gRPC, or indirectly, by running commands from the Kubernetes command-line client (kubectl) or interacting with the UI in the Cloud Console.


