helidon maven bundle flavors 的描述?

Description of the helidon maven bundle flavors?

任何人都可以帮助我了解 https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.helidon.microprofile.bundles 上以下 helidon 捆绑包之间的区别吗?

  1. Helidon Microprofile 完整套装 @ https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.helidon.microprofile.bundles/helidon-microprofile
  2. Helidon Microprofile 核心包 @ https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.helidon.microprofile.bundles/helidon-microprofile-core
  3. Helidon Microprofile 捆绑包 @ https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.helidon.microprofile.bundles/bundles-project

我试图进入每个 POM 并查看差异,但混搭太多了

另外,最新的helidon impl是3.2版。我在上面URL上没有找到。它可以在不同的位置使用吗?或者以上三个包之一指向最新的稳定版(3.2)?

提前致谢, 拉胡尔

来自 https://helidon.io/docs/latest/index.html#/mp/introduction/02_microprofile 的文档:

The [full bundle helidon-microprofile] adds all the features available in MicroProfile. If you want to start with a smaller core set of features then you can use the core bundle instead. This bundle includes the base feature in MicroProfile (such as JAX-RS, CDI, JSON-P/B, and Config) and leaves out some of the additional features such as Metrics and Tracing. You can add those dependencies individually if you choose.


  • io.helidon.microprofile.bundles:helidon-microprofile就是一切
  • io.helidon.microprofile.bundles:helidon-microprofile-core 几乎是您可以根据需要添加选择性其他工件的最低限度

最新的 Helidon 版本是 2.0.1,支持 MicroProfile 3.2。