如何用 flutter 制作 mysql 实时数据库?

How to make a mysql realtime database with flutter?

我正在开发这个聊天应用程序,我显然不知道该怎么做,但我掌握了一些基础知识,比如我在我的应用程序和 mysql 数据库之间建立了连接并获取数据,但我认为我需要使数据库成为实时数据库,我又不知道该怎么做,这对这部分有什么帮助吗? 也是 flutter 的新手 :)

https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/networking/web-sockets 使用本教程。还要研究套接字的概念。请记住,在制作聊天应用程序时,您还应该考虑隐私和安全。

  1. Connect to a WebSocket server.

    The web_socket_channel package provides the tools you need to connect to a WebSocket server. The package provides a WebSocketChannel that allows you to both listen for messages from the server and push messages to the server.

    In Flutter, use the following line to create a WebSocketChannel that connects to a server:

    final channel = WebSocketChannel.connect(
  2. Listen for messages from the server.

    Now that you've established a connection, listen to messages from the server. After sending a message to the test server, it sends the same message back. In this example, use a StreamBuilder widget to listen for new messages, and a Text widget to display them.

      stream: channel.stream,
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        return Text(snapshot.hasData ? '${snapshot.data}' : '');
  3. Send data to the server.

    To send data to the server, add() messages to the sink provided by the WebSocketChannel.

  4. Close the WebSocket connection.

    After you're done using the WebSocket, close the connection:


查看Askless,它简化了使用任何数据库创建实时 Flutter 应用程序

我开发这个包的目的是简化 websocket 的使用。如果客户端失去连接,库将自动重新发送数据到服务器,并且 it has other benefits. The Askless server side 需要编码在 JavaScript/TypeScript.

Flutter 客户端将能够使用 MySQL 或其他数据库收听实时更新,例如:

//other widgets...

      route: 'allProducts',
      builder: (context,  snapshot) {
             return Container();

          final listOfProductsNames =
              (snapshot.data as List)
              .map((product) => Text(product['name'])).toList();

          return Column(
             children: listOfProductsNames,

//other widgets...

它还有一个 JavaScript/TypeScript 可以与 Flutter 配对的客户端支持,例如,如果您的 App 有一个使用 React 或其他 SPA 框架的 Web 版本。