我如何将带有事件的 buttons/textBoxes 添加到 Excel 表单

How can i add buttons/textBoxes with events to an Excel form


这是我目前使用的代码。手动生成按钮是不可能的,因为它们太多了,我在这个例子中只保留了 3 个(这段代码将创建 3 个按钮,但只有最后一个按钮附加了事件,我如何为每个按钮生成新事件新按钮?):

'form z_test - empty form with only code in the background

Option Explicit

Public tbPin As MSForms.textBox         ' The textbox control.
Dim objMyEventClass As New C_events       ' Create an object of the Class (where we declared the events).

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim arrHyperlinks, Hi, topI
    arrHyperlinks = Array("google.com", "bing.com", "facebook.com")
    topI = 30
    For Each Hi In arrHyperlinks
        Dim btEx As MSForms.CommandButton
        Set btEx = Me.Controls.add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
        With btEx
            .TOP = topI
            .Left = 10
            .Width = 130
            .Height = 25
            .Caption = Hi
        End With
        topI = topI + 30
        Set objMyEventClass.btEvents = btEx         ' Attach at event to the button.
End Sub

'class c_events
Option Explicit

Public WithEvents tbEvents As MSForms.textBox
Public WithEvents btEvents As MSForms.CommandButton

Private Sub btEvents_click()
   MsgBox btEvents.Caption
End Sub

亲切的问候, 丹尼尔

您的代码只有一个 class,其中包含 1 个按钮,并且您一直在循​​环内覆盖按钮。所以只有最后一个按钮与事件挂钩。解决这个问题的一种方法是收集 C_events classes。这是您为实现此想法而略微修改的原始代码:

Option Explicit

Public tbPin As MSForms.TextBox         ' The textbox control.
Private ButtonEvents As Collection
Private objMyEventClass As C_events       ' Create an object of the Class (where we declared the events).

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim arrHyperlinks, Hi, topI
    arrHyperlinks = Array("google.com", "bing.com", "facebook.com")
    topI = 30
    Set ButtonEvents = New Collection
    For Each Hi In arrHyperlinks
        Set objMyEventClass = New C_events
        Dim btEx As MSForms.CommandButton
        Set btEx = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
        With btEx
            .Top = topI
            .Left = 10
            .Width = 130
            .Height = 25
            .Caption = Hi
        End With
        topI = topI + 30
        Set objMyEventClass.btEvents = btEx         ' Attach at event to the button.
        ButtonEvents.Add objMyEventClass
End Sub