SourceForge 是否具有 Subversion 存储库搜索功能?

Does SourceForge have a Subversion repository search feature?

有没有办法搜索托管在 SourceForge 上的项目的 Subversion 存储库?我看到我可以浏览 Commits/Files,但我想执行全文搜索。如果不存在此类功能,是否有解决方法,例如导出整个 SVN 存储库的方法(我不是项目所有者)?

举个例子,我是一名用户(不是项目所有者),试图在 omniORB 项目中查找涉及 ORB_ID_STRING 文字的更改。

我试图通过以下方式回答这个问题但未成功:搜索 Whosebug,使用各种 Google 关键字进行搜索,例如“sourceforge 如何搜索 SVN”。我还提交了这张 SourceForge 支持票:

这是我在 7 月 20 日星期一从 SourceForge 支持部门收到的回复:

Dave Brondsema - Hello,

We do not currently offer an option to search the full text of a code repository. You can download the repository yourself though and do a search yourself. The easiest option is to use the "Download Snapshot" link in the upper right of a code repository. Note: you probably want to be in the "trunk" folder first or it will be a very large download including copies of all the branches and tagged versions of the code. Alternatively, you can install SVN on your computer and do an SVN checkout of the repository. Sincerely, SourceForge Support