vagrant debian/buster64 框失败 (win10)

vagrant debian/buster64 box failed (win10)

我尝试在 win10 上手动设置 vagrant 'debian/buster64' 但失败了...我的步骤:

  2. 下载 box 文件
  3. 尝试设置...
$ vagrant box add --name 'debian/buster64' '4d7865da-6242-4853-bc6c-807a63c734e6'
==> box: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it directly...
==> box: Adding box 'debian/buster64' (v0) for provider:
    box: Unpacking necessary files from: file://D:/Downloads/4d7865da-6242-4853-bc6c-807a63c734e6
The box failed to unpackage properly. Please verify that the box
file you're trying to add is not corrupted and that enough disk space
is available and then try again.
The output from attempting to unpackage (if any):

x ./metadata.json: Cannot extract through symlink \\?\C:\Users\mat\.vagrant.d
x ./box.ovf: Cannot extract through symlink \\?\C:\Users\mat\.vagrant.d
x ./buster.vmdk: Cannot extract through symlink \\?\C:\Users\mat\.vagrant.d
x ./Vagrantfile: Cannot extract through symlink \\?\C:\Users\mat\.vagrant.d
bsdtar.EXE: Error exit delayed from previous errors.

os: windows 10
version: 1909
build: 18363.900
vagrant 2.2.9


我假设您已经创建了一个 Windows 连接来将您的用户配置文件重定向到另一个驱动器(我也是)。好吧,Vagrant 根本不喜欢那样。

幸运的是,您可以通过环境变量 VAGRANT_HOME 为 Vagrant 安装显式设置基本配置目录 (.vagrant.d)。假设您将配置文件移动到驱动器 D,您应该按如下方式设置环境变量:
