
Add To The Current Background Image Via JS?

我在 Photoshop 中创建了分层图像。我想每秒将该图像的一层添加到 div 的背景中。这是我目前正在使用的代码,但它不起作用。感谢任何帮助。

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

import img1 from '../../img/INTRO/1.png';
import img2 from '../../img/INTRO/2.png';
import img2 from '../../img/INTRO/3.png';

function IntroMain() {
    const imageDiv = useRef();

    useEffect(() => {
        let arrOfImages = new Array(),
            i = 0,
            interval = 700,
        window.setTimeout(() => {
            console.log('set bg img now');
            imageDiv.current.style.backgroundImage = `url(${img3})`;
            imageDiv.current.style.backgroundSize = `cover`;
            currentBG = `url(${img1}), `;
        }, interval);
        window.setTimeout(() => {
            console.log('set bg 2 img now');
            imageDiv.current.style.backgroundImage = `url(${img2})`;
            imageDiv.current.style.backgroundSize = `cover, cover`;
        }, interval * 2);

    return <div id="image-div" ref={imageDiv}></div>;

export default IntroMain;

要在 div 上设置多个背景图像,您可以使用 css 属性 background-image。看起来像:

background-image: url('/first/image.jpg'), url('second/image.jpg') ...;

您的应用程序可以将图像网址和显示状态保存在一个数组中,您可以通过用户交互或根据时间更新该数组。然后,您可以从要显示的图像 url 中动态构建 css 属性 值。示例应用程序:

const IMAGES = [
  // this could be real paths instead
  /* green */ "",
  /* blue */ ""

const Toggle = ({ layers, onToggle }) => {
  // this component is just for demonstration of dynamically toggling images
  return layers.map((layer, idx) => (
      onClick={() => onToggle(idx)}
      style={{ background: layer.display ? `url(${layer.url})` : "none" }}
    >{`Toggle Layer ${idx}`}</button>

const Layers = () => {
  // we initialize the array from the image urls and set every layer to display: false
  const [layers, setLayers] = useState(() =>
    IMAGES.map(url => ({ url, display: false }))

  // this method toggles the display state of the layer at idx
  const handleToggleLayer = idx =>
    setLayers(current =>
      current.map((layer, i) =>
        i === idx ? { ...layer, display: !layer.display } : layer

  return (
      <Toggle layers={layers} onToggle={handleToggleLayer} />
          backgroundImage: layers
            .filter(layer => layer.display)
            .map(layer => `url(${layer.url})`)
            .join(", ")



示例使用 template strings to wrap the image paths in url( ... ) and .join() 加入它们。