
consistent matched pairs in R

所以使用 Matching(Link to package here)

我们可以通过修改后的 GenMatch 示例来工作。


#introduce an id vaiable
lalonde$ID <- 1:length(lalonde$age)

X = cbind(lalonde$age, lalonde$educ, lalonde$black, lalonde$hisp, 
          lalonde$married, lalonde$nodegr, lalonde$u74, lalonde$u75, 
          lalonde$re75, lalonde$re74)

BalanceMat <- cbind(lalonde$age, lalonde$educ, lalonde$black, 
                    lalonde$hisp, lalonde$married, lalonde$nodegr, 
                    lalonde$u74, lalonde$u75, lalonde$re75, lalonde$re74, 

genout <- GenMatch(Tr=lalonde$treat, X=X, BalanceMatrix=BalanceMat, estimand="ATE", 
                   pop.size=16, max.generations=10, wait.generations=1)

mout <- Match(Y=NULL, Tr=lalonde$treat, X=X,
              replace=TRUE, ties=FALSE)

# here we set ties FALSE so we only have 1-1 Matching

#now lets create our "Matched dataset"
treated <- lalonde[mout$index.treated,]
# and introduce an indetity variable for each pair
treated$Pair_ID <- treated$ID

non.treated <- lalonde[mout$index.control,]
non.treated$Pair_ID <- treated$ID

matched.data <- rbind(treated, non.treated)
matched.data <- matched.data[order(matched.data$Pair_ID),]

#this outputs which of the non-treated ID was paired with the first person
matched.data$ID[matched.data$Pair_ID==1 & matched.data$treat==0]

我们看到对于数据,ID=1 与 ID=193



n <- 500
P1 <- rep(NA, n)
P2 <- rep(NA, n)
P3 <- rep(NA, n)
P4 <- rep(NA, n)
P5 <- rep(NA, n)
P6 <- rep(NA, n)
P7 <- rep(NA, n)

for (i in 1:n) {
  lalonde <- lalonde[sample(1:nrow(lalonde)), ] # randomise order
  genout <- GenMatch(Tr=lalonde$treat, X=X, BalanceMatrix=BalanceMat, estimand="ATE", 
                     pop.size=16, max.generations=10, wait.generations=1)
  mout <- Match(Y=NULL, Tr=lalonde$treat, X=X,
                replace=TRUE, ties=FALSE)
  treated <- lalonde[mout$index.treated,]
  treated$Pair_ID <- treated$ID
  non.treated <- lalonde[mout$index.control,]
  non.treated$Pair_ID <- treated$ID
  matched.data <- rbind(treated, non.treated)
  matched.data <- matched.data[order(matched.data$Pair_ID),]
  P1[i] <- matched.data$ID[matched.data$Pair_ID==1 & matched.data$treat==0]
  P2[i] <- matched.data$ID[matched.data$Pair_ID==2 & matched.data$treat==0]
  P3[i] <- matched.data$ID[matched.data$Pair_ID==3 & matched.data$treat==0]
  P4[i] <- matched.data$ID[matched.data$Pair_ID==4 & matched.data$treat==0]
  P5[i] <- matched.data$ID[matched.data$Pair_ID==5 & matched.data$treat==0]
  P6[i] <- matched.data$ID[matched.data$Pair_ID==6 & matched.data$treat==0]
  P7[i] <- matched.data$ID[matched.data$Pair_ID==7 & matched.data$treat==0]

因此 loop 将匹配对 500 次并且 P1 将每次保存 treat==0 案例。

然后我们看看哪个 P1 出现的次数最多,作者:

plot(1:n, P1, main="P1")


我们发现没有一个 treat==0 案例是通常配对的。 我希望有一个案例(可能=193??)通常配对不依赖于数据的顺序。因此我认为我的循环是错误的。有人可以指出在哪里吗?或者当他们 运行 一个循环时,他们发现,与数据的顺序无关,相似的案例是成对的??

问题是你随机化了 lalonde 的顺序,但是你对 GenMatchMatch 的输入是 XBalanceMat,它们仍然有原来的顺序。当您最后构建 matched.data 时,您正在使用不再与 lalonde 绑定的索引进行子集化。再试一次,但在循环中包括 XBalanceMat 的赋值。

X = cbind(lalonde$age, lalonde$educ, lalonde$black, lalonde$hisp, 
          lalonde$married, lalonde$nodegr, lalonde$u74, lalonde$u75, 
          lalonde$re75, lalonde$re74)

BalanceMat <- cbind(lalonde$age, lalonde$educ, lalonde$black, 
                    lalonde$hisp, lalonde$married, lalonde$nodegr, 
                    lalonde$u74, lalonde$u75, lalonde$re75, lalonde$re74, 