如何在 "pure" JS 中 Select 没有父 Class 的元素?

How to Select Element That Does Not have parent Class in "pure" JS?

我如何包含 DOM 结构中的所有 .article-full h2.article-full h3,但包含在中的 h2 和 h3 除外 .toc-excluded


const headings = document.querySelectorAll(
  ".article--full :not(.toc-excluded) h2, .article--full :not(.toc-excluded) h3"
headings.forEach(hd => hd.classList.add("red"))
.red {
  color: red;
<div class='article--full'>
  <div>many divs in between</div>
  <div class='toc-excluded'>
    <div>many divs in between</div>
  <div>many divs in between</div>
  <div class='manyotherdivs'><h2>h2</h2></div>
   <div class='manyotherdivs'><h3>h3</h3></div>

:not 的所有语法还没有完全支持,因此最好还是依赖旧的好 JS。正如 Liam 所建议的,您必须过滤要从列表中排除的元素,如下所示:

const headings = Array.from(
    document.querySelectorAll('.article--full h2, .article--full h3')
  ).filter(el => !el.closest('.toc-excluded'));

headings.forEach(hd => hd.classList.add("red"));
.red {
  color: red;

h3 {
  color: black;
<div class="article--full">
  <div>many divs in between</div>
  <div class="toc-excluded">
    <div>many divs in between</div>
  <div>many divs in between</div>
  <div class="manyotherdivs">
  <div class="manyotherdivs">

返回的NodeList在过滤前必须转为数组,因为列表本身是read-only,不支持filter方法。 header元素需要自己的CSS,否则字体颜色是继承的,不会有任何视觉差异。