您可以从 class 中的方法创建实例吗?

Can you create an instance from a method within a class?

我正在编写一个程序来创建字符串中字符的组合。我有一个名为 StringRecomb 的 class,它将两个输入作为列表中的字符串,即 ["AA"、"BB"]。重组方法 returns 字符从列表中的字符串左右反转,并且 returns 它们在一个集合中,即 {AB, BA}。

class StringRecomb:

    def __init__(self,strings):
        self.strings= strings

    def recombinations(self):
        //some code to create recombinations left and right char of each string in list
        return recombinations_set

    def method1(self):
        //code currently to access the recombinations list:
        recombinations_set = self.recombinations()
        //do something with recombinations list to get method1_out
        return method1_out

我想问的是reaction方法中返回的reactions可以是instance吗?然后在 class 内的其他方法中使用和操作。例如,recombinations2 从第一个重组方法中获取 self.recombinations 并对其进行更改。像...(* 我更改了代码的地方)

class StringRecomb:

    def __init__(self,strings):
        self.strings= strings

    def recombinations(self):
        //some code to create recombinations left and right char of each string in list
        return self.recombinations_set *

    def method1(self, self.recombinations_set): *
        //use self.recombinations_set from the parameter of the method to access the set
        return method1_out

    def recombinations2(self, self.recombinations_set): *
        //Method to change the self.recombinations to right to left i.e. {BA, AB} *
        return self.recombinations *


我不太明白你的意思,但你可以像这样将重组存储在 class 中:

class StringRecomb:
    def __init__(self, strings):
        self.strings = strings
        self.recombinations = None

    def recombinations(self):
        # some code to create recombinations left and right char of each string in list
        recombinations_set = foo()
        self.recombinations = recombinations_set

    def method1(self):
        # code currently to access the recombinations list
        self.recombinations = foo2()

    def recombinations2(self):
        # Method to change the self.recombinations to right to left i.e. {BA, AB} *
        self.recombinations = foo3()