如何在 Typescript 中为交集类型覆盖 属性?

How to overwrite property for intersection type in Typescript?


type BaseAnimal = {
  species: string
  owner: boolean

type Cat = BaseAnimal & {
  species: 'cat'
  hasTail: boolean

type Dog = BaseAnimal & {
  species: 'dog'
  likesWalks: boolean

type Animal = Cat | Dog

我想创建一个名为 AnimalParams 的类型,它与 Animal 除了 owner 属性 相同,它是一个字符串.


// This seems to keep the owner property from Animal instead of overwriting
// So it raises an error if I try to specify owner as a string
type AnimalParams = Animal & {
  owner: string

// This strips away properties unique to Cat or Dog
// So it raises an error if I try to specify hasTail or likesWalks
type AnimalParams = Omit<Animal, 'owner'> & {
  owner: string


type CatParams = Omit<Cat, 'owner'> & {
  owner: string

type DogParams = Omit<Dog, 'owner'> & {
  owner: string

type AnimalParams = CatParams | DogParams

我阅读了一些关于实用程序类型的 SO 线程(例如 ,它是针对接口的),但找不到我需要的东西。感谢您提前回答!


type BaseAnimalParams<T extends BaseAnimal> = Omit<T, 'owner'> & {
    owner: string;

type AnimalParams = BaseAnimalParams<Dog> | BaseAnimalParams<Cat>;

您可以使用 distributive conditional type:

而不是手动省略每种类型的 owner 属性
type OmitOwner<T = Animal> = T extends BaseAnimal ? Omit<T, 'owner'> : never;

type AnimalParams = OmitOwner & {
  owner: string


(Omit<Cat, 'owner'> & { owner: string; }) 
  | (Omit<Dog, 'owner'> & { owner: string; })


Instantiation of T extends U ? X : Y with the type argument A | B | C for T is resolved as (A extends U ? X : Y) | (B extends U ? X : Y) | (C extends U ? X : Y)



keyof union 产生 union 中类型键的交集,所以

type AnimalKeys = keyof Animal // is "species" | "owner"

Omit 的实现是:

type Omit<T, K extends keyof any> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;