
Huawei Map Is not Drawn or Painted

我目前正在开发一个演示测试,将在 android studio 中完成的示例作为 FFI 集成到另一个名为 Kony Quantum Visualizer 的软件开发工具中,它是一个用于为移动设备、桌面设备开发应用程序的工具网络等等。

我已经设法推进了在 android studio 中编写的代码与遵循 Huawei Code Lab Map Kit 的步骤之间的集成,事实上,从我的工具编译它时应用程序编译时没有问题。 运行 在华为设备型号:Mate 20 / Android 10 / EMUI 10.0.0 上运行但不绘制地图,但它绘制了我的位置点或其他测试标记,但是地图就不画了,只是把象限放上去。


This device is a Huawei, however it is one of these models that is still associated with Google services. This has no bearing on these tests, correct?

In the tests of the Code Lab generated from Android studio, and tested on the same device, if you draw the map with the test points as well.

Should it be tested only on a device that is no longer associated with Google services? or does this not influence anything?

Within the lines captured in the Log, you can see some failed, that I cannot understand what they refer to or if they are tied to this just that I did not draw the Map.


  1. 测试时从设备捕获的日志。

  2. 测试在设备上的显示方式。


  Bundle mapViewBundle = null;
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
  mapViewBundle = savedInstanceState.getBundle("MapViewBundleKey");

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