使用 Python 解压缩 Bing 地图地理数据(边界)
Decompress Bing Maps GeoData (borders) with Python
我一直在尝试使用 Python 解压缩 Bing 地图 location/border 形状算法。我的最终目标是通过组合多个县市创建自定义 regions/borders,并将位置数据保存到我们的数据库中,以便更快、更准确地进行基于位置的分析。
我的策略如下,但我有点卡在#2 上,因为我似乎无法准确解压代码:
- 从 Bing Maps GeoData API 中检索 County/City 边框 - 他们将其称为 "shape"
- 解压他们的"shape"数据得到边界点的经纬度
- 删除与其他形状相同 lat/lng 的点(目标是制作一个包含多个县的大形状,而不是 5-6 个单独的形状)
- 压缩最终结果并保存在数据库中
我使用的函数似乎适用于 Point Compression Algorithm 文档中提供的 'vx1vilihnM6hR7mEl2Q' 示例。然而,当我插入一些更复杂的东西时,比如库克县,公式似乎不正确(通过将几个点插入不同的多边形 mapping/drawing 应用程序进行测试,这些应用程序也使用 Bing 地图)。它基本上在芝加哥南侧创建了一条线,大力向东和向西进入印第安纳州,没有太多的南北移动。在不知道任何县的实际坐标应该是什么的情况下,我不确定如何找出我要去哪里错了。
这是 python 代码(很抱歉过度使用十进制格式 - 我试图确保错误不是由于无意中失去精度造成的):
safeCharacters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-'
def 解码Bing边界(压缩数据):
经纬度 = []
点数组 = []
点 = []
lastLat = 十进制(0)
lastLng = 十进制(0)
# Assigns the number of of each character based on the respective index of 'safeCharacters'
# numbers under 32 indicate it is the last number of the combination of the point, and a new point is begun
for char in compressedData:
num = Decimal(safeCharacters.index(char))
if num < 32:
point = []
num -= Decimal(32)
# Loops through each point to determine the lat/lng of each point
for pnt in pointsArray:
result = Decimal(0)
# This revereses step 7 of the Point Compression Algorithm https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj158958.aspx
for num in reversed(pnt):
if result == 0:
result = num
result = result * Decimal(32) + num
# This was pretty much taken from the Decompression Algorithm (not in Python format) at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn306801.aspx
# Determine which diaganal it's on
diag = Decimal(int(round((math.sqrt(8 * result + 5) - 1) / 2)))
# submtract the total number of points from lower diagonals, and get the X and Y from what's left over
latY = Decimal(result - Decimal(diag * (diag + 1) / 2))
lngX = Decimal(diag - latY)
# undo the sign encoding
if latY % 2 == 1:
latY = (latY + Decimal(1)) * Decimal(-1)
if lngX % 2 == 1:
lngX = (lngX + Decimal(1)) * Decimal(-1)
latY /= 2
lngX /= 2
# undo the delta encoding
lat = latY + lastLat
lng = lngX + lastLng
lastLat = lat
lastLng = lng
# position the decimal point
lat /= Decimal(100000)
lng /= Decimal(100000)
# append the point to the latLng list in a string format, as opposed to the decimal format
latLng.append([str(lat), str(lng)])
return latLng
[['41.46986', '-87.79031'], ['41.47033', '-87.52569'], ['41.469145',
'-87.23372'], ['41.469395', '-87.03741'], ['41.41014', '-86.7114'],
['41.397545', '-86.64553'], ['41.3691', '-86.47018'], ['41.359585',
'-86.41984'], ['41.353585', '-86.9637'], ['41.355725', '-87.43971'],
['41.35561', '-87.52716'], ['41.3555', '-87.55277'], ['41.354625',
'-87.63504'], ['41.355635', '-87.54018'], ['41.360745', '-87.40351'],
['41.362315', '-87.29262'], ['41.36214', '-87.43194'], ['41.360915',
'-87.44473'], ['41.35598', '-87.58256'], ['41.3551', '-87.59025'],
['41.35245', '-87.59828'], ['41.34782', '-87.60784'], ['41.34506',
'-87.61664'], ['41.34267', '-87.6219'], ['41.34232', '-87.62643'],
['41.33809', '-87.63286'], ['41.33646', '-87.63956'], ['41.32985',
'-87.65056'], ['41.33069', '-87.65596'], ['41.32965', '-87.65938'],
['41.33063', '-87.6628'], ['41.32924', '-87.66659'], ['41.32851',
'-87.71306'], ['41.327105', '-87.75963'], ['41.329515', '-87.64388'],
['41.32698', '-87.73614'], ['41.32876', '-87.61933'], ['41.328275',
'-87.6403'], ['41.328765', '-87.63857'], ['41.32866', '-87.63969'],
['41.32862', '-87.70802']]
您不能将来自 Bing 地图地理数据 API 的边界数据或从中派生的任何数据存储在数据库中。这违反了平台的使用条款。
正如 rbrundritt 所提到的,存储来自大地图的数据违反了使用条款。但是,还有其他可用的相同数据来源,例如 http://nationalmap.gov/boundaries.html
为了解决这个问题,为了更有效地存储这个和其他坐标数据,我通过在计算 'diag' 时删除 'round' 函数来解决这个问题。这应该是取代它的东西:
diag = int((math.sqrt(8 * result + 5) - 1) / 2)
我添加的所有 'Decimal' 废话都不是必需的,因此您可以根据需要将其删除。
diag=int(round((sqrt(8 * number + 1)/ 2)-1/2.))
别忘了用纬度减去经度*2 得到 N/E 坐标!
diag = math.floor((math.sqrt(8 * result + 1) - 1) / 2)
我一直在尝试使用 Python 解压缩 Bing 地图 location/border 形状算法。我的最终目标是通过组合多个县市创建自定义 regions/borders,并将位置数据保存到我们的数据库中,以便更快、更准确地进行基于位置的分析。
我的策略如下,但我有点卡在#2 上,因为我似乎无法准确解压代码:
- 从 Bing Maps GeoData API 中检索 County/City 边框 - 他们将其称为 "shape"
- 解压他们的"shape"数据得到边界点的经纬度
- 删除与其他形状相同 lat/lng 的点(目标是制作一个包含多个县的大形状,而不是 5-6 个单独的形状)
- 压缩最终结果并保存在数据库中
我使用的函数似乎适用于 Point Compression Algorithm 文档中提供的 'vx1vilihnM6hR7mEl2Q' 示例。然而,当我插入一些更复杂的东西时,比如库克县,公式似乎不正确(通过将几个点插入不同的多边形 mapping/drawing 应用程序进行测试,这些应用程序也使用 Bing 地图)。它基本上在芝加哥南侧创建了一条线,大力向东和向西进入印第安纳州,没有太多的南北移动。在不知道任何县的实际坐标应该是什么的情况下,我不确定如何找出我要去哪里错了。
这是 python 代码(很抱歉过度使用十进制格式 - 我试图确保错误不是由于无意中失去精度造成的):
safeCharacters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-'
def 解码Bing边界(压缩数据): 经纬度 = [] 点数组 = [] 点 = [] lastLat = 十进制(0) lastLng = 十进制(0)
# Assigns the number of of each character based on the respective index of 'safeCharacters'
# numbers under 32 indicate it is the last number of the combination of the point, and a new point is begun
for char in compressedData:
num = Decimal(safeCharacters.index(char))
if num < 32:
point = []
num -= Decimal(32)
# Loops through each point to determine the lat/lng of each point
for pnt in pointsArray:
result = Decimal(0)
# This revereses step 7 of the Point Compression Algorithm https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj158958.aspx
for num in reversed(pnt):
if result == 0:
result = num
result = result * Decimal(32) + num
# This was pretty much taken from the Decompression Algorithm (not in Python format) at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn306801.aspx
# Determine which diaganal it's on
diag = Decimal(int(round((math.sqrt(8 * result + 5) - 1) / 2)))
# submtract the total number of points from lower diagonals, and get the X and Y from what's left over
latY = Decimal(result - Decimal(diag * (diag + 1) / 2))
lngX = Decimal(diag - latY)
# undo the sign encoding
if latY % 2 == 1:
latY = (latY + Decimal(1)) * Decimal(-1)
if lngX % 2 == 1:
lngX = (lngX + Decimal(1)) * Decimal(-1)
latY /= 2
lngX /= 2
# undo the delta encoding
lat = latY + lastLat
lng = lngX + lastLng
lastLat = lat
lastLng = lng
# position the decimal point
lat /= Decimal(100000)
lng /= Decimal(100000)
# append the point to the latLng list in a string format, as opposed to the decimal format
latLng.append([str(lat), str(lng)])
return latLng
[['41.46986', '-87.79031'], ['41.47033', '-87.52569'], ['41.469145', '-87.23372'], ['41.469395', '-87.03741'], ['41.41014', '-86.7114'], ['41.397545', '-86.64553'], ['41.3691', '-86.47018'], ['41.359585', '-86.41984'], ['41.353585', '-86.9637'], ['41.355725', '-87.43971'], ['41.35561', '-87.52716'], ['41.3555', '-87.55277'], ['41.354625', '-87.63504'], ['41.355635', '-87.54018'], ['41.360745', '-87.40351'], ['41.362315', '-87.29262'], ['41.36214', '-87.43194'], ['41.360915', '-87.44473'], ['41.35598', '-87.58256'], ['41.3551', '-87.59025'], ['41.35245', '-87.59828'], ['41.34782', '-87.60784'], ['41.34506', '-87.61664'], ['41.34267', '-87.6219'], ['41.34232', '-87.62643'], ['41.33809', '-87.63286'], ['41.33646', '-87.63956'], ['41.32985', '-87.65056'], ['41.33069', '-87.65596'], ['41.32965', '-87.65938'], ['41.33063', '-87.6628'], ['41.32924', '-87.66659'], ['41.32851', '-87.71306'], ['41.327105', '-87.75963'], ['41.329515', '-87.64388'], ['41.32698', '-87.73614'], ['41.32876', '-87.61933'], ['41.328275', '-87.6403'], ['41.328765', '-87.63857'], ['41.32866', '-87.63969'], ['41.32862', '-87.70802']]
您不能将来自 Bing 地图地理数据 API 的边界数据或从中派生的任何数据存储在数据库中。这违反了平台的使用条款。
正如 rbrundritt 所提到的,存储来自大地图的数据违反了使用条款。但是,还有其他可用的相同数据来源,例如 http://nationalmap.gov/boundaries.html
为了解决这个问题,为了更有效地存储这个和其他坐标数据,我通过在计算 'diag' 时删除 'round' 函数来解决这个问题。这应该是取代它的东西:
diag = int((math.sqrt(8 * result + 5) - 1) / 2)
我添加的所有 'Decimal' 废话都不是必需的,因此您可以根据需要将其删除。
diag=int(round((sqrt(8 * number + 1)/ 2)-1/2.))
别忘了用纬度减去经度*2 得到 N/E 坐标!
diag = math.floor((math.sqrt(8 * result + 1) - 1) / 2)