将 Kendo 网格工具栏搜索应用于日期的模板值

Applying the Kendo Grid toolbar Search to the template value of a date

我在 JQuery Kendo 网格中添加了一个搜索工具栏。我想用它来搜索出现在我的网格中的日期。

日期是从控制器获取的 c# DateTime 值。我使用模板以我需要的格式显示日期。


例如,我的日期显示为 10/07/2020,但如果我搜索该字符串,则不会出现任何内容。 如果我搜索:Fri Jul 10 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0800 (W. Australia Standard Time),它将 return 10/07/2020 行。

//my grid datasource
var robotDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
  transport: {
    read: {
      url: "@Url.Action("RobotList", "Robot")",
      dataType: "json",
      type: "POST"
  schema: {
    model: {
      fields: {
        ID: { type: 'number' },
        RobotName: { type: 'string' },
        CreatedDate: { type: 'date' }

  pageSize: 10,
  sort: {
    field: "ID",
    dir: "desc"
robotDataSource.fetch(function() {

//my grid
  dataSource: robotDataSource,
  height: 700,
  toolbar: ["search"],
  pageable: {
    pageSizes: [10, 25, 50, 100]
  sortable: true,
  filterable: true,
  columns: [
      field: "ID",
      title: "ID",
      filterable: { search: true }
    }, {
      field: "RobotName",
      title: "Name",
      width: 160,
    }, {
      field: "CreatedDate",
      title: "Date Created",
      width: 160,
      template: "#=  (CreatedDate == null)? '' : kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(CreatedDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'dd/MM/yyyy') #"
      filterable: { multi: true, search: true }


schema: {
  model: {
    fields: {
      ID: { type: 'number' },
      RobotName: { type: 'string' },
      CreatedDate: { type: 'date' },
      CreatedDateFormatted: { type: 'string' }
  parse: function (response) {
    for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
      response[i].CreatedDateFormatted = kendo.format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", response[i].CreatedDate);
    return response;


search: {
  fields: ["Id", "CreatedDateFormatted"]
