如何在 Yup 异步验证中设置动态错误消息?

How to set dynamic error messages in Yup async validation?

我正在尝试使用 Yup 的 .test() 方法在 Formik 中进行异步验证,并且需要设置我从 API 获得的错误消息。错误消息将根据后端的某些条件而有所不同。

https://github.com/jquense/yup/issues/222 and Dynamic Validation Messages Using Yup and Typescript

但是 Yup 正在抛出 test() 中给出的默认错误消息。


All tests must provide a name, an error message and a validation function that must return true or false or a ValidationError. To make a test async return a promise that resolves true or false or a ValidationError.

我正在用错误消息解决一个新的 ValidationError,但它仍然抛出默认错误。


const schema = Yup.object().shape({
  email: Yup.string().test(
    "Email Validation Error", // YUP always throws this error
    value => {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          .then(res => {
            const { message } = res.data; // I want this error message to be shown in form.
            resolve(new Yup.ValidationError(message));
          .catch(e => {


resolve(this.createError({ message: message }));


不要传递第二个参数,因为我们通常将其作为错误消息传递,而不是使用“createError”创建您自己的自定义消息,return 根据您的情况。

import * as yup from "yup";

const InitiateRefundSchema = yup.object().shape({
  amountPaid: yup.number(),
  refundAmount: yup
    .test("test-compare a few values", function (value) {
      let value1 = this.resolve(yup.ref("amountPaid"));
      let value2 = this.resolve(yup.ref("refundAmount"));
      if (value1 < value2) {
        return this.createError({
          message: `refund amount cannot be greater than paid amount '${value1}'`,
          path: "refundAmount", // Fieldname
      } else return true;

我使用 function 语法而不是箭头函数来验证函数。


test functions are called with a special context, or this value, that exposes some useful metadata and functions. Note that to use this context, the test function must be a function expression (function test(value) {}), not an arrow function, since arrow functions have lexical context.


const schema = Yup.object().shape({
  email: Yup.string()
    .email("Not a valid email")
    .test("email_async_validation", "Email Validation Error", function (value) { // Use function
      return emailValidationApi(value)
        .then((res) => {
          const message = res;
          console.log("API Response:", message);
          return this.createError({ message: message });
          // return Promise.resolve(this.createError({ message: message })); // This also works
        .catch((e) => {


const schema = Yup.object().shape({
 email: Yup.string()
  .email("Not a valid email")
  .test("email_async_validation", "Email Validation Error", (value, {createError}) { 
    return emailValidationApi(value)
      .then((res) => {
        const message = res;
        console.log("API Response:", message);
        return createError({ message: message });
      .catch((e) => {