C++ print chrono::time_point<chrono::high_resolution_clock> 可读

C++ print chrono::time_point<chrono::high_resolution_clock> to be readable


我找到的在线打印示例 time_point 使用 system_clock 然后转换为 std::time_t。但是,我正在使用 high_resolution_clock(因为纳秒),因此很难理解如何打印它。


我现在坚持使用 C++17,但如果 C++20 使这更容易做到,请提及。

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>

using Clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
using TimePoint = std::chrono::time_point<Clock>;

int main()
    const uint64_t nanosSinceEpoch = 1517812763001883383;
    const Clock::duration duration_ns_since_epoch = std::chrono::nanoseconds(nanosSinceEpoch);

    const TimePoint tp(duration_ns_since_epoch);

    // Would like to print tp in readable format

high_resolution_clock 没有便携纪元。它可能是 1970 年。它可能是您的设备启动时的时间。因此,在打印其 time_point 时,最好的办法是打印基础持续时间。

system_clock 可以表示 nanoseconds,即使 system_clock::time_point 不能。诀窍是使用更通用的 time_point 形式,即:

template <class Clock, class Duration>
class time_point;


time_point<system_clock, nanoseconds> tp;


template <class Duration>
    using sys_time = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, Duration>;


sys_time<nanoseconds> tp;

在 C++20 中,sys_time<chrono> 为您提供。而 C++20 允许您简单地打印出基于 system_clocktime_points.

不幸的是,我认为还没有人发布 C++20 的这一部分。然而,有一个 header-only, open source, free preview of C++20 <chrono> 适用于 C++11/14/17:

#include "date/date.h"

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    const uint64_t nanosSinceEpoch = 1517812763001883383;

    const std::chrono::nanoseconds d(nanosSinceEpoch);
    using date::operator<<;
    std::cout << date::sys_time<std::chrono::nanoseconds>{d} << '\n';


2018-02-05 06:39:23.001883383


有个second <chrono> preview library at the same link in the header tz.h which deals with time zones. This library is not header-only. There's a single source file associated with it, tz.cpp. Here are directions for compiling it.

此库可用于翻译 sys_time(又名 Unix Time / UTC) into any IANA time zone


#include "date/tz.h"

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    const uint64_t nanosSinceEpoch = 1517812763001883383;

    using namespace std::chrono;
    date::sys_time<nanoseconds> tp{nanoseconds(nanosSinceEpoch)};
    std::cout << date::zoned_time{"America/Chicago", tp} << '\n';


2018-02-05 00:39:23.001883383 CST

这也是 C++20 的一部分 <chrono>zoned_time 是时区和 sys_time 的一对,只要是秒或更精细的任何精度。其流媒体运营商包括时区缩写。还有一个 format 函数(C++20 中的 std::format,库中的 date::format)可用于自定义输出。例如:

date::zoned_time zt{"America/Chicago", tp};
std::cout << date::format("%F %T%z", zt) << '\n';


2018-02-05 00:39:23.001883383-0600