从 Phabricator 修订中排除提交

Exclude commits from Phabricator revision

我不小心将最后五个提交包含在 Phabricator 修订版中,而我应该只包含最后一个。

当我尝试 arc diff --update D100 时,我看到一个 vim 页面,上面有一堆关于我的修订的注释掉的信息,没有要编辑的内容:

# Updating D100: REVISION TITLE
# Enter a brief description of the changes included in this update.
# The first line is used as subject, next lines as comment.
# If you intended to create a new revision, use:
#  $ arc diff --create

提交也被压缩在一起。 如何排除这四个不需要的?


git cherry-pick COMMIT_HASH

然后我使用 arc diff --update D100 HEAD^
