如何在 Arduino 中进行快速互相关(实时即时信号识别器的一部分)
How to do Fast Cross-Correlation in Arduino (Part of Real Time Instant Signal Recognizer)
我很难编写代码来对信号(在引脚 A0 中)进行采样并与另一个已知信号(保存在 Arduino Uno 的闪存中)进行实时即时互相关.
我的问题是我的代码(我的等式)包含很多循环,这使得 arduino 很难在采样信号后立即实时执行它(使用 ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect))。
#define NUM_OF_SAMPLES 64
#define NUM_OF_ETALONS 6
const double* const Etalon_Signals[NUM_OF_ETALONS] PROGMEM = {sinWave1, sinWave2, sinWave3, rectWave4, rectWave5, triWave6};
const double Etalon_Signals_Mean[NUM_OF_ETALONS] PROGMEM = {sinWaveMean1, sinWaveMean2, sinWaveMean3, rectWaveMean4, rectWaveMean5, triWaveMean6};
const double Etalon_Signals_Variance[NUM_OF_ETALONS] PROGMEM = {sinWaveVariance1, sinWaveVariance2, sinWaveVariance3, rectWaveVariance4, rectWaveVariance5, triWaveVariance6};
//-------------- SAMPLED SIGNAL ---------------------
volatile double SignalSamples[NUM_OF_SAMPLES];
volatile int idx = 0;
//-------------- CORRELATION VARS -------------------
// Correlations[NUM_OF_ETALONS] - array of 6 values which calculate the correlation for particular 'd' (delay) value.
// MaxCorrelationValues[NUM_OF_ETALONS] - array which holds the maximum value of a praticular Etalon signal,
// which I use later to decide which wave is most simmilar to the sampled wave.
// MaxCorrelationValues[k] = the maximum correlation value out of all the 'd' iterations,
// of Etalon wave number k (look at the formula for better understanding).
// MostSimillarCorrVal - Holds the Maximum value of correlation out of 6 Etalons (every Etalon has a maximum correlation point out of d correlations)
// MostSimillarCorrVal will hold the Absulote Maximum out of the 6 Etalons.
// SignalSamplesVar - Variance of the Sampled Signal -> Eq: (sum(y[i] - my))
// SignalSamplesMean - Mean of the Sampled Signal -> Eq: (my)
// counter - used for smart Circular scanning over the ring buffer "SignalSamples".
// maxCorrWave - Holds the 2^index of the most simmilar wave out of the etalons.
// SignalSamplesVarTemp - a particular substraction of the signal with its mean value -> Eq: (numerator) -> (y(i-d)-my).
volatile double Correlations[NUM_OF_ETALONS] = {0}, MaxCorrelationValues[NUM_OF_ETALONS] = {0}, MostSimillarCorrVal = 0;
volatile double SignalSamplesVar = 0, SignalSamplesMean = 0;
volatile int counter = 0, maxCorrWave = 0;
double EtalonVarianceVal[NUM_OF_ETALONS], SignalSamplesVarTemp;
void setup()
DDRB |= WAVE_1 | WAVE_2 | WAVE_3 | WAVE_4 | WAVE_5 | WAVE_6;
pinMode(A0, INPUT);
for(int i = 0; i<NUM_OF_ETALONS;i++)
EtalonVarianceVal[i] = pgm_read_float(&Etalon_Signals_Variance[i]);
SignalSamplesVar -= (SignalSamples[idx] - SignalSamplesMean)*(SignalSamples[idx] - SignalSamplesMean);
SignalSamplesMean = SignalSamplesMean * NUM_OF_SAMPLES - SignalSamples[idx];
SignalSamples[idx] = analogRead(ANALOG_INPUT_PIN); // sampling
SignalSamplesMean = (SignalSamplesMean + SignalSamples[idx])/NUM_OF_SAMPLES;
SignalSamplesVar += (SignalSamples[idx] - SignalSamplesMean)*(SignalSamples[idx] - SignalSamplesMean);
// SignalSamplesMean = Mean(SignalSamples, NUM_OF_SAMPLES); // Mean of current state calculations.
// SignalSamplesVar = VarianceSquared(SignalSamples, NUM_OF_SAMPLES); // Variance of current state calculations.
for(int delay = -NUM_OF_SAMPLES; delay < NUM_OF_SAMPLES; delay++) // "shifting" array loop.
counter = 0; // counter - an index which runs on SignalSamples array.
while(counter < NUM_OF_SAMPLES) // loop running on the SignalSamples in circle.
// SignalSamplesVarTemp = Signal's "Variance" semi-calculation.
SignalSamplesVarTemp = SignalSamples[(idx + counter - delay)%NUM_OF_SAMPLES] - SignalSamplesMean;
// Calculating all Cross Correlations with all the six Etalons.
for(int k = 0; k < NUM_OF_ETALONS; k++)
Correlations[k] += pgm_read_float(&Etalon_Signals[k][counter]) * SignalSamplesVarTemp; // eMean = 0 always.
for(int k = 0; k < NUM_OF_ETALONS; k++) // updating all the Etalons.
Correlations[k] *= Correlations[k];
Correlations[k] /= SignalSamplesVar * pgm_read_float(&EtalonVarianceVal[k]); // The Correlation for particular delay.
// MaxCorrelationValues[k] - Max value of the correlation with Etalon[k].
// At the end we compare which etalon got the biggest correlation value (which is positive).
MaxCorrelationValues[k] = MaxCorrelationValues[k] < Correlations[k] ? Correlations[k] : MaxCorrelationValues[k];
for(int k = 0; k < NUM_OF_ETALONS; k++)
if(MaxCorrelationValues[k] > MostSimillarCorrVal)
MostSimillarCorrVal = Correlations[k];
maxCorrWave = k;
PORTB = 1 << maxCorrWave;
idx = (idx+1)%NUM_OF_SAMPLES;
我会尽量做到通用 - 解决方案仍然适用于您的问题。
假设您只需要找到信号的最后 N 个样本的总和。
x0, x1, ..., x(N-1)
S0 = x0 + x1 + ... + x(N-1)
S1 = x1 + x2 + ... + x(N-1) + xN
S1 = S0 - x0 + xN
- 之前/当前总和(S0);
- 最早的样本值 (x0);
- 最新样本值 (xN)。
x1 - xm, x2 - xm ...
S1 = S0 - (x0-xm) + (xN-xm)
S1 = S0 - x0 + xm
这样可以避免不必要地加减 xm。
除了 sqrt() - 我不知道如何帮助那里。
请注意,即使一开始也不会有繁重的工作。您从所有值为零的样本开始。随着真实样本的到来,构建了“第一个”S0 - 随后将使用它。
实际上,“第一个”S0 将是
S0 = x0
y(i-d) - my
一次,使用两次。虽然不多,但还是有帮助的。此外,如果您确定 mx
我很难编写代码来对信号(在引脚 A0 中)进行采样并与另一个已知信号(保存在 Arduino Uno 的闪存中)进行实时即时互相关.
我的问题是我的代码(我的等式)包含很多循环,这使得 arduino 很难在采样信号后立即实时执行它(使用 ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect))。
#define NUM_OF_SAMPLES 64
#define NUM_OF_ETALONS 6
const double* const Etalon_Signals[NUM_OF_ETALONS] PROGMEM = {sinWave1, sinWave2, sinWave3, rectWave4, rectWave5, triWave6};
const double Etalon_Signals_Mean[NUM_OF_ETALONS] PROGMEM = {sinWaveMean1, sinWaveMean2, sinWaveMean3, rectWaveMean4, rectWaveMean5, triWaveMean6};
const double Etalon_Signals_Variance[NUM_OF_ETALONS] PROGMEM = {sinWaveVariance1, sinWaveVariance2, sinWaveVariance3, rectWaveVariance4, rectWaveVariance5, triWaveVariance6};
//-------------- SAMPLED SIGNAL ---------------------
volatile double SignalSamples[NUM_OF_SAMPLES];
volatile int idx = 0;
//-------------- CORRELATION VARS -------------------
// Correlations[NUM_OF_ETALONS] - array of 6 values which calculate the correlation for particular 'd' (delay) value.
// MaxCorrelationValues[NUM_OF_ETALONS] - array which holds the maximum value of a praticular Etalon signal,
// which I use later to decide which wave is most simmilar to the sampled wave.
// MaxCorrelationValues[k] = the maximum correlation value out of all the 'd' iterations,
// of Etalon wave number k (look at the formula for better understanding).
// MostSimillarCorrVal - Holds the Maximum value of correlation out of 6 Etalons (every Etalon has a maximum correlation point out of d correlations)
// MostSimillarCorrVal will hold the Absulote Maximum out of the 6 Etalons.
// SignalSamplesVar - Variance of the Sampled Signal -> Eq: (sum(y[i] - my))
// SignalSamplesMean - Mean of the Sampled Signal -> Eq: (my)
// counter - used for smart Circular scanning over the ring buffer "SignalSamples".
// maxCorrWave - Holds the 2^index of the most simmilar wave out of the etalons.
// SignalSamplesVarTemp - a particular substraction of the signal with its mean value -> Eq: (numerator) -> (y(i-d)-my).
volatile double Correlations[NUM_OF_ETALONS] = {0}, MaxCorrelationValues[NUM_OF_ETALONS] = {0}, MostSimillarCorrVal = 0;
volatile double SignalSamplesVar = 0, SignalSamplesMean = 0;
volatile int counter = 0, maxCorrWave = 0;
double EtalonVarianceVal[NUM_OF_ETALONS], SignalSamplesVarTemp;
void setup()
DDRB |= WAVE_1 | WAVE_2 | WAVE_3 | WAVE_4 | WAVE_5 | WAVE_6;
pinMode(A0, INPUT);
for(int i = 0; i<NUM_OF_ETALONS;i++)
EtalonVarianceVal[i] = pgm_read_float(&Etalon_Signals_Variance[i]);
SignalSamplesVar -= (SignalSamples[idx] - SignalSamplesMean)*(SignalSamples[idx] - SignalSamplesMean);
SignalSamplesMean = SignalSamplesMean * NUM_OF_SAMPLES - SignalSamples[idx];
SignalSamples[idx] = analogRead(ANALOG_INPUT_PIN); // sampling
SignalSamplesMean = (SignalSamplesMean + SignalSamples[idx])/NUM_OF_SAMPLES;
SignalSamplesVar += (SignalSamples[idx] - SignalSamplesMean)*(SignalSamples[idx] - SignalSamplesMean);
// SignalSamplesMean = Mean(SignalSamples, NUM_OF_SAMPLES); // Mean of current state calculations.
// SignalSamplesVar = VarianceSquared(SignalSamples, NUM_OF_SAMPLES); // Variance of current state calculations.
for(int delay = -NUM_OF_SAMPLES; delay < NUM_OF_SAMPLES; delay++) // "shifting" array loop.
counter = 0; // counter - an index which runs on SignalSamples array.
while(counter < NUM_OF_SAMPLES) // loop running on the SignalSamples in circle.
// SignalSamplesVarTemp = Signal's "Variance" semi-calculation.
SignalSamplesVarTemp = SignalSamples[(idx + counter - delay)%NUM_OF_SAMPLES] - SignalSamplesMean;
// Calculating all Cross Correlations with all the six Etalons.
for(int k = 0; k < NUM_OF_ETALONS; k++)
Correlations[k] += pgm_read_float(&Etalon_Signals[k][counter]) * SignalSamplesVarTemp; // eMean = 0 always.
for(int k = 0; k < NUM_OF_ETALONS; k++) // updating all the Etalons.
Correlations[k] *= Correlations[k];
Correlations[k] /= SignalSamplesVar * pgm_read_float(&EtalonVarianceVal[k]); // The Correlation for particular delay.
// MaxCorrelationValues[k] - Max value of the correlation with Etalon[k].
// At the end we compare which etalon got the biggest correlation value (which is positive).
MaxCorrelationValues[k] = MaxCorrelationValues[k] < Correlations[k] ? Correlations[k] : MaxCorrelationValues[k];
for(int k = 0; k < NUM_OF_ETALONS; k++)
if(MaxCorrelationValues[k] > MostSimillarCorrVal)
MostSimillarCorrVal = Correlations[k];
maxCorrWave = k;
PORTB = 1 << maxCorrWave;
idx = (idx+1)%NUM_OF_SAMPLES;
我会尽量做到通用 - 解决方案仍然适用于您的问题。
假设您只需要找到信号的最后 N 个样本的总和。
x0, x1, ..., x(N-1)
S0 = x0 + x1 + ... + x(N-1)
S1 = x1 + x2 + ... + x(N-1) + xN
S1 = S0 - x0 + xN
- 之前/当前总和(S0);
- 最早的样本值 (x0);
- 最新样本值 (xN)。
x1 - xm, x2 - xm ...
S1 = S0 - (x0-xm) + (xN-xm)
S1 = S0 - x0 + xm
这样可以避免不必要地加减 xm。
除了 sqrt() - 我不知道如何帮助那里。
请注意,即使一开始也不会有繁重的工作。您从所有值为零的样本开始。随着真实样本的到来,构建了“第一个”S0 - 随后将使用它。
实际上,“第一个”S0 将是
S0 = x0
y(i-d) - my
一次,使用两次。虽然不多,但还是有帮助的。此外,如果您确定 mx