Spring 缓存逐出

Spring caching eviction

我无法理解 spring @cacheEvict 注释。它是触发缓存逐出的方法吗?请看下面。

  public void clearEmployeeById(int id) {
      //Do we have to add a method as trigger here in order to trigger the cache eviction? or can we leave this method without implementation


@CacheEvict(value = {"employee"}, allEntries = true)
public void clearEmployeeById(int id) {

缓存 employee 将获得 evicted,只要 clearEmplyoeeByID() 方法被调用。

将缓存添加到 employee

@Cacheable(value = {"employee"})
public Employee addEmployeeById(int id) {
   return employee;


private CacheManager cacheManager;

@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 86400000)
public boolean evictAllCaches() {
    cacheManager.getCacheNames().stream().forEach(c -> cacheManager.getCache(c).clear()); 
    return true;