ABP 上的应用程序服务 URL 映射

Application service URL mapping on ABP

我是ABP新手,我this oficial tutorial成功了。

然后我添加了另一个 class (Planta) 并再次按照教程进行操作(没有删除 The Book class),但即使我可以创建 table并在其上提供数据(已验证),应用程序无法加载 table,当我检查 swagger 时,我发现了这个...

我原以为它是 Planta 而不是 BookAppServicePlanta,但我找不到哪里搞砸了。



  1. 我在 Acme.BookStore.Domain/Planta/Planta.cs 上创建了 class 植物群:
  2. 将实体添加到 Acme.BookStore.EntityFrameworkCore/EntityFrameworkCore/BookStoreDbContext.cs
  3. 将实体映射到 Acme.BookStore.EntityFrameworkCore/EntityFrameworkCore/BookStoreDbContextModelCreatingExtensions.cs
  4. 上的 table
  5. 删除了数据库,并删除了以前的迁移
  6. 创建了数据播种器Acme.BookStore.Domain/BookStoreDataSeederContributor_Plant.cs
  7. 添加了新的迁移,并且 运行 Acme.BookStore.DbMigrator
  8. 已创建Acme.BookStore.Application.Contracts/PlantDto.cs
  9. 已将其添加到 Acme.BookStore.Application/BookStoreApplicationAutoMapperProfile.cs
  10. 创建了 Acme.BookStore.Application.Contracts/CreateUpdatePlantDto.cs(并将其也添加到自动映射器中,如 8 所示))
  11. 创建界面Acme.BookStore.Application.Contracts/IBookAppServicePlanta.cs
  12. 已在 Acme.BookStore.Application/BookAppServicePlanta.cs
  13. 上实施
  14. 运行 申请

额外信息: 我为 Planta 及其表单创建了页面(教程第 2 部分和第 3 部分),但即使我仔细检查了这些文件,我也不相信问题出在这些文件上,因为 swagger 问题。

  1. 我在 Acme.BookStore.Domain/Planta/Planta.cs 上创建了 class 植物群:

     using System;
     using Volo.Abp.Domain.Entities.Auditing;
     namespace Acme.BookStore.Plantas
         public class Planta : AuditedAggregateRoot<Guid>
             public string Nombre { get; set; }
             public string Descripcion { get; set; }
             public string Dirección { get; set; }
             public string Lat { get; set; }
             public string Long { get; set; }
             public string Extra1 { get; set; }
             public string Extra2 { get; set; }
             public string Extra3 { get; set; }
  2. 将实体添加到 Acme.BookStore.EntityFrameworkCore/EntityFrameworkCore/BookStoreDbContext.cs

     using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
     using Acme.BookStore.Users;
     using Volo.Abp.Data;
     using Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore;
     using Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Modeling;
     using Volo.Abp.Identity;
     using Volo.Abp.Users.EntityFrameworkCore;
     using Acme.BookStore.Books;
     using Acme.BookStore.Plantas;
     namespace Acme.BookStore.EntityFrameworkCore
         /* This is your actual DbContext used on runtime.
          * It includes only your entities.
          * It does not include entities of the used modules, because each module has already
          * its own DbContext class. If you want to share some database tables with the used modules,
          * just create a structure like done for AppUser.
          * Don't use this DbContext for database migrations since it does not contain tables of the
          * used modules (as explained above). See BookStoreMigrationsDbContext for migrations.
         public class BookStoreDbContext : AbpDbContext<BookStoreDbContext>
             public DbSet<AppUser> Users { get; set; }
             public DbSet<Book> Books { get; set; }
             public DbSet<Planta> Plantas { get; set; }
             /* Add DbSet properties for your Aggregate Roots / Entities here.
              * Also map them inside BookStoreDbContextModelCreatingExtensions.ConfigureBookStore
             public BookStoreDbContext(DbContextOptions<BookStoreDbContext> options)
                 : base(options)
             protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
                 /* Configure the shared tables (with included modules) here */
                 builder.Entity<AppUser>(b =>
                     b.ToTable(AbpIdentityDbProperties.DbTablePrefix + "Users"); //Sharing the same table "AbpUsers" with the IdentityUser
                     /* Configure mappings for your additional properties
                      * Also see the BookStoreEfCoreEntityExtensionMappings class
                 /* Configure your own tables/entities inside the ConfigureBookStore method */
  3. 将实体映射到 Acme.BookStore.EntityFrameworkCore/EntityFrameworkCore/BookStoreDbContextModelCreatingExtensions.cs

    上的 table
     using Acme.BookStore.Books;
     using Acme.BookStore.Plantas;
     using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
     using Volo.Abp;
     using Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Modeling;
     namespace Acme.BookStore.EntityFrameworkCore
         public static class BookStoreDbContextModelCreatingExtensions
             public static void ConfigureBookStore(this ModelBuilder builder)
                 Check.NotNull(builder, nameof(builder));
                 /* Configure your own tables/entities inside here */
                 builder.Entity<Book>(b =>
                     b.ToTable(BookStoreConsts.DbTablePrefix + "Books",
                     b.ConfigureByConvention(); //auto configure for the base class props
                     b.Property(x => x.Name).IsRequired().HasMaxLength(128);
                 builder.Entity<Planta>(p =>
                     p.ToTable(BookStoreConsts.DbTablePrefix + "Plantas",
                     p.ConfigureByConvention(); //auto configure for the base class props
                     p.Property(y => y.Nombre).IsRequired().HasMaxLength(128);
  4. 删除了数据库,并删除了以前的迁移

  5. 创建了数据播种器Acme.BookStore.Domain/BookStoreDataSeederContributor_Plant.cs

     using System;
     using System.Threading.Tasks;
     using Acme.BookStore.Plantas;
     using Volo.Abp.Data;
     using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
     using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories;
     namespace Acme.BookStore
         public class BookStoreDataSeederContributor_Plant
             : IDataSeedContributor, ITransientDependency
             private readonly IRepository<Planta, Guid> _plantaRepository;
             public BookStoreDataSeederContributor_Plant(IRepository<Planta, Guid> plantaRepository)
                 _plantaRepository = plantaRepository;
             public async Task SeedAsync(DataSeedContext context)
                 if (await _plantaRepository.GetCountAsync() > 0)
                 await _plantaRepository.InsertAsync(
                     new Planta
                         Nombre = "Armijo Guajardo",
                         Descripcion = "excel god",
                         Dirección = "las lilas 123",
                         Lat = "564.765.98",
                         Long  = "100.102.04",
                         Extra1 = "bla",
                         Extra2 = "bla bla",
                         Extra3 = "bla bla bla"
                     autoSave: true
  6. 添加了一个新的迁移,并且运行 Acme.BookStore.DbMigrator

  7. 已创建Acme.BookStore.Application.Contracts/PlantDto.cs

     using System;
     using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
     namespace Acme.BookStore.Plantas
         public class PlantDto : AuditedEntityDto<Guid>
             public string Nombre { get; set; }
             public string Descripcion { get; set; }
             public string Dirección { get; set; }
             public string Lat { get; set; }
             public string Long { get; set; }
             public string Extra1 { get; set; }
             public string Extra2 { get; set; }
             public string Extra3 { get; set; }
  8. 添加到 Acme.BookStore.Application/BookStoreApplicationAutoMapperProfile.cs

     using Acme.BookStore.Books;
     using Acme.BookStore.Plantas;
     using AutoMapper;
     namespace Acme.BookStore
         public class BookStoreApplicationAutoMapperProfile : Profile
             public BookStoreApplicationAutoMapperProfile()
                 CreateMap<Book, BookDto>();
                 CreateMap<CreateUpdateBookDto, Book>();
                 CreateMap<Planta, PlantDto>();
                 CreateMap<CreateUpdatePlantDto, Planta>();
  9. 创建了 Acme.BookStore.Application.Contracts/CreateUpdatePlantDto.cs(并将其添加到自动映射器中,如 8 所示))

     using System;
     using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
     namespace Acme.BookStore.Plantas
         public class CreateUpdatePlantDto
             public string Nombre { get; set; }
             public string Descripcion { get; set; }
             public string Dirección { get; set; }
             public string Lat { get; set; }
             public string Long { get; set; }
             public string Extra1 { get; set; }
             public string Extra2 { get; set; }
             public string Extra3 { get; set; }
  10. 创建了界面Acme.BookStore.Application.Contracts/IBookAppServicePlanta.cs

    using System;
    using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
    using Volo.Abp.Application.Services;
    namespace Acme.BookStore.Plantas
        public interface IBookAppServicePlanta :
            ICrudAppService< //Defines CRUD methods
                PlantDto, //Used to show books
                Guid, //Primary key of the book entity
                PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto, //Used for paging/sorting
                CreateUpdatePlantDto> //Used to create/update a book
  11. 已在 Acme.BookStore.Application/BookAppServicePlanta.cs

    using System;
    using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
    using Volo.Abp.Application.Services;
    using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories;
    namespace Acme.BookStore.Plantas
        public class BookAppServicePlanta :
                Planta, //The Book entity
                PlantDto, //Used to show books
                Guid, //Primary key of the book entity
                PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto, //Used for paging/sorting
                CreateUpdatePlantDto>, //Used to create/update a book
            IBookAppServicePlanta //implement the IBookAppService
            public BookAppServicePlanta(IRepository<Planta, Guid> repository)
                : base(repository)
  12. 运行 申请


Acme.BookStore.Web/BookStoreWebAutoMapperProfile.cs 看起来像这样

    using Acme.BookStore.Books;
    using Acme.BookStore.Plantas;
    using AutoMapper;

    namespace Acme.BookStore.Web
        public class BookStoreWebAutoMapperProfile : Profile
            public BookStoreWebAutoMapperProfile()
                CreateMap<BookDto, CreateUpdateBookDto>();
                CreateMap<PlantDto, CreateUpdatePlantDto>();

[编辑] 我创建了一个teting文件Acme.BookStore.Application.Tests/BookAppServicePlanta_test.cs,他们都成功了。

    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Shouldly;
    using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
    using Volo.Abp.Validation;
    using Xunit;

    namespace Acme.BookStore.Plantas
        public class BookAppService_Tests : BookStoreApplicationTestBase
            private readonly IBookAppServicePlanta _plantaAppService;

            public BookAppService_Tests()
                _plantaAppService = GetRequiredService<IBookAppServicePlanta>();

            public async Task Should_Get_List_Of_Books()
                var result = await _plantaAppService.GetListAsync(
                    new PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto()

                result.Items.ShouldContain(b => b.Nombre == "Armijo Guajardo");

            public async Task Should_Create_A_Valid_Planta()
                var result = await _plantaAppService.CreateAsync(
                    new CreateUpdatePlantDto
                        Nombre = "Pedro Cano",
                        Descripcion = "Cirujano",
                        Dirección = "Pedro de Valdivia",
                        Lat = "123213213",
                        Long = "456456456",
                        Extra1 = "emmmm",
                        Extra2 = "no se",
                        Extra3 = "que poner"

                result.Nombre.ShouldBe("Pedro Cano");
            public async Task Should_Not_Create_A_Planta_Without_Name()
                var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<AbpValidationException>(async () =>
                    await _plantaAppService.CreateAsync(
                        new CreateUpdatePlantDto
                            Descripcion = "Cirujano",
                            Dirección = "Pedro de Valdivia",
                            Lat = "123213213",
                            Long = "456456456",
                            Extra1 = "emmmm",
                            Extra2 = "no se",
                            Extra3 = "que poner"
                    .ShouldContain(err => err.MemberNames.Any(mem => mem == "Nombre"));

我对 ABP 不熟悉,但是快速查看文档,您似乎没有遵循命名约定。


但您似乎 copied/pasted 之前的 class BookAppService 只是在末尾添加了 Planta。它应该是 PlantaAppService 而不是。

using System;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Services;

namespace Acme.BookStore.Plantas
    public interface IPlantaAppService :
        ICrudAppService< //Defines CRUD methods
            PlantDto, //Used to show books
            Guid, //Primary key of the book entity
            PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto, //Used for paging/sorting
            CreateUpdatePlantDto> //Used to create/update a book

using System;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Services;
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories;

namespace Acme.BookStore.Plantas
    public class PlantaAppService:
            Planta, //The Book entity
            PlantDto, //Used to show books
            Guid, //Primary key of the book entity
            PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto, //Used for paging/sorting
            CreateUpdatePlantDto>, //Used to create/update a book
        IPlantaAppService //implement the IPlantaAppService
        public BookAppServicePlanta(IRepository<Planta, Guid> repository)
            : base(repository)
