
What Type of Initialization Occurs When Calling Copy Constructor?


struct foo {
    foo() = default;
    foo(const foo&) = default;

foo bar() {
    return foo{}; // return does copy init


foo a;        // default init
foo b{};      // value initialization
foo c{bar()}; // ?? mandatory copy elision. is this considered direct init? so copy init to return from 
              // bar(), then direct init to init c?
foo d{c};     // ?? copy constructor called. is this considered direct init or copy init?
foo e = d;    // copy init

正在寻找 C++ 17 的答案。请在适用时提供参考。 谢谢

给定 foo c{bar()};cdirect-list-initialized 来自 bar() 的 return 值。 foo d{c};也是一样,d是从c直接列表初始化的。

  1. initialization of a named variable with a braced-init-list (that is, a possibly empty brace-enclosed list of expressions or nested braced-init-lists)

作为结果,对于 foo c{bar()};,由于 mandatory copy elision (C++17 起) return 语句中的复制构造和 c 的初始化省略,c直接由默认构造函数构造。对于foo d{c};,选择复制构造函数构造d.

顺便说一句:在 bar() 中,return foo{}; 执行 copy initialization, because of mandatory copy elision (since C++17) the copy construction is omitted, the return value is initialized by the default constructor directly (since C++20). (Until C++20 it'll be aggregate-initialized。)

What Type of Initialization Occurs When Calling Copy Constructor?





foo c{bar()};
foo d{c};

它们使用相同的初始化语法,因此它们使用相同的初始化形式。这是直接初始化,但是因为初始化器是花括号初始化列表 ({}),所以很快就会变成直接列表初始化。

foo e = d;
