如何在 C# 中只异步调用少数方法?

How to call only few method asynchronously in C#?

在我的应用程序中有许多难以修改的同步方法。我无法将所有内容更改为异步等待。但我想 运行 几个异步方法。 我已经为此编写了一些代码。我还添加了有助于理解我的要求的评论。


    //This class will perform some heavy operation and also going to call an API for tax configuration.
    //The original class takes almost 2 sec to respond. Obviously we are refactoring it but also want this class methods to run async way
    public static class TaxCalculatorHelper
        public static Task<double> CalculateTaxAsync(double salary)
            // I will do some heavy tax calculation here, so I want it to run asynchronously
            return Task.FromResult(500.00); // currently returning temporary value

    //The exisiting classes 
    public class Employee
        //This method is not going to be async but What I want that Tax calculation which is heavy task that should run asynchronously        
        public double GetEmployeeFinalSalary(double salary)
            var taxValue = Task.Run(async () => await TaxCalculatorHelper.CalculateTaxAsync(salary));

            //I was doing this
            //  return taxValue.Result; // I cannot use this because it blocks the calling thread until the asynchronous operation is complete

            //Is the below approach correct ?
            return taxValue.GetAwaiter().GetResult();

    public class SomeOtherClass
        private readonly Employee _employee;
        public SomeOtherClass()
            _employee = new Employee();

        //This will not be async
        public void GetEmployeeCtc(double salary)
            var finalCtc = _employee.GetEmployeeFinalSalary(salary);


假设这是一个 UI 应用程序,然后使用 Task.Run 将同步工作推离 UI 线程是一种可接受的方法。在 ASP.NET 个应用程序中不是一个好主意。

根据您的具体情况,您需要决定如何处理 GetEmployeeFinalSalary

//This method is not going to be async but What I want that Tax calculation which is heavy task that should run asynchronously        
//  return taxValue.Result; // I cannot use this because it blocks the calling thread until the asynchronous operation is complete

您需要决定 GetEmployeeFinalSalary 是同步还是异步。如果它是同步的,那么它会阻塞调用线程——这就是同步意味着

我怀疑您 不是 想要阻止调用线程(我假设那是 UI 线程)。在这种情况下,GetEmployeeFinalSalary 必须 是异步的才能释放调用线程:

public async Task<double> GetEmployeeFinalSalaryAsync(double salary)
  return await Task.Run(async () => await TaxCalculatorHelper.CalculateTaxAsync(salary));