为了 运行 它更快,我应该对此代码应用哪些更改?
What changes should I apply to this code in order to run it faster?
我写了一个 python 卫星图像处理脚本。基本上,代码所做的是查看图像中每个像素周围的每个 window,并将其与同一图像中的特定感兴趣区域进行比较。具有最相似信息的 window 被存储并转换为地理空间向量。
请允许我进一步解释:我有从 2013 年到 2020 年某个特定位置的月度卫星图像 运行,总共有 90 张图像(90 个月)。我还有一个包含 52 个特征的矢量文件 (.shp),我感兴趣的区域 (ROI)。对于每个月,即每张图像,我必须查看我的 ROI,收集 ROI 内所有像素的数字值,并计算其平均数字值。我对该图像中所有可能的 3x3 像素 (window) 执行相同的操作并比较它们的均值。最后,每个 ROI 都有对应的 window,它们的平均数字值之间的欧几里得距离较小。输出是90个vector文件(.shp,每个对应一个image/month),其中52个windows by vector file,每个kernel对应一个window,其信息最接近于投资回报率。
并非图像中的每个像素都允许成为内核的一部分,因此我还有 90 个蒙版可以让我测试 window 是否可选。
问题是每个月度向量需要大约 8 小时才能生成。总的来说,我花了大约 30 天的时间来生成所有向量,尽管我有一台相当不错的机器(w10、64 位、intelCorei7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz、gtx8520m、4GB ram ...)。我知道嵌套的 for
循环不是编码时的最佳实践,而且 python 也不能很好地支持并行计算(我怀疑这是最好的方法,因为 windows 是独立)。
我尝试了不同的方法,比如@jit,尝试使用 GPU 进行计算,还尝试使用所有 4 个内核进行多处理。前两种方法不起作用,据我了解,可能是因为我的函数不适合 t运行slated。最后一个运行没有问题,但花了双倍的时间才完成。
我的问题是:我应该对我的代码进行哪些更改才能使其更快,这不仅涉及“良好的写作”,而且还考虑到我想使用所有 4 个内核,可能还有我的 GPU 运行它。我不是计算机科学家,因此我真的很难找到解决方案。
import pandas as pd
import geopandas
from rasterio.windows import Window
import rasterio
import numpy as np
from rasterstats import zonal_stats
from shapely.geometry import box
import os
import ntpath
import time
def path_leaf(path):
head, tail = ntpath.split(path)
return tail or ntpath.basename(head)
def getListOfFiles(dirName):
listOfFile = os.listdir(dirName)
allFiles = list()
for entry in listOfFile:
# Create full path
fullPath = os.path.join(dirName, entry)
# If entry is a directory then get the list of files in this directory
if os.path.isdir(fullPath):
allFiles = allFiles + getListOfFiles(fullPath)
return allFiles
#The address of the folder containing the ROI's
SHP_address = 'F:\nota_tecnica_2\vetores\amostras_interesse_final\ROI_wgs84_9_final_dissolvido.shp'
#The address of the satellite images
a = getListOfFiles('C:\dados_nota_tecnica\MODIS\MODIS_quality_mosaic_rec')
#The address of the masks (binary images where 0 is a electable pixel and 1 is a not electable pixel)
b = 'C:\dados_nota_tecnica\VIIRS\final\'
#The folder where I store my vectors at the end
c = 'F:\nota_tecnica_2\vetores\amostras_controle\'
#A variable defining which images from the "a" list should be analyzed
_from = 0
_to = 90
#The function that will search for the windows
def janela_movel(MODIS_list,local_viirs,saida):
start = time.time()
df_vazio = pd.DataFrame(
{'mean_b1': [],
'mean_b2': [],
'mean_b4': [],
'euc_dist': [],
'left': [],
'right': [],
'bottom': [],
'top': [],
'id_alvo': []})
for file in (range(_from,_to)): #len(MODIS_list)
MODIS_address = MODIS_list[file]
#Searches for a maks image that matches the name of the satellite image
viirs_address = local_viirs+path_leaf(MODIS_address)
#Open the matched mask image
raster_viirs = rasterio.open(viirs_address)
#Open the raster image
raster_MODIS = rasterio.open(MODIS_address)
#Caculates the average digital value in a ROI for 3 bands of the image (RED, GREEN and NEAR-INFRARED) (actually surface reflectance at NADIR);
media_zonal_b1 = zonal_stats(SHP_address, MODIS_address,
media_zonal_b2 = zonal_stats(SHP_address, MODIS_address,
media_zonal_b4 = zonal_stats(SHP_address, MODIS_address,
stats="mean count",
#Now the code will access the ROI. For each one it will extract not only the already computated mean value, but also the coordinates
#of the ROI and its ID (identificator)
for x in range(len(media_zonal_b1)):
mean_band1_alvo = media_zonal_b1[x]['properties']['mean']
mean_band2_alvo = media_zonal_b2[x]['properties']['mean']
mean_band4_alvo = media_zonal_b4[x]['properties']['mean']
id_alvo = x
array_vazio = []
#Here I set the size of the window/kernel
i = 3
j = 3
#Now it will access the satellite image and move this 3x3 window through all pixels
for i_r in range(raster_viirs.height):
for j_r in range(raster_viirs.width):
row_start = i_r
row_stop = i_r + i
col_start = j_r
col_stop = j_r + j
Win = Window.from_slices(slice(row_start, row_stop), slice(col_start, col_stop))
croped = raster_viirs.read(window=Win)
#This is some code to prevent NAN values and not electable pixels
if (-999.0 not in croped) and (1 not in croped) and (np.isnan(croped).any() != True):
bounds = raster_viirs.window_bounds(Win)
croped2 = raster_MODIS.read(window=Win) #aplicando a janela extraída ao dado e reflectancia
if ((np.isnan(croped2).any()) != True) and (croped2.size != 0):
mean_band1 = np.mean(croped2[0])
mean_band2 = np.mean(croped2[2])
mean_band4 = np.mean(croped2[4])
if (mean_band1_alvo or mean_band2_alvo or mean_band4_alvo) is None:
mean_band1_alvo = -999
mean_band2_alvo = -999
mean_band4_alvo = -999
dist = -999
#Calculates the euclidian distance between the bands of the pixels within the window and the ROI
dist = (((mean_band1 - mean_band1_alvo) ** 2) + ((mean_band2 - mean_band2_alvo) ** 2) + (
(mean_band4 - mean_band4_alvo) ** 2)) ** 0.5
# Creates a dataframe with all the electable kernels
array_dados = [dist,mean_band1,mean_band2,mean_band4,bounds[0],bounds[1],bounds[2],bounds[3]]
#aggreagte the kernels in a single array
array_vazio = array_vazio+array_dados
#Transforms in a 2d array and order it to find the most alike kernel (smallest euclidian distance)
array_dados_2d = np.reshape(array_vazio, (-1,8))
array_dados_2d = array_dados_2d[np.argsort(array_dados_2d[:, 0])]
#Number of windows per ROI
numero_de_amostras = 1
array_dados_filtered = array_dados_2d[0:numero_de_amostras, ]
#Accumulates the windows of all the ROI in a single vector (.shp file)
df_dados = pd.DataFrame(
{'euc_dist': array_dados_filtered[:, 0],
'mean_b1': array_dados_filtered[:, 1],
'mean_b2': array_dados_filtered[:, 2],
'mean_b4': array_dados_filtered[:, 3],
'left': array_dados_filtered[:, 4],
'bottom': array_dados_filtered[:, 5],
'right': array_dados_filtered[:, 6],
'top': array_dados_filtered[:, 7],
'id_alvo': id_alvo})
df_vazio = df_vazio.append(df_dados, ignore_index = True)
#Some geocoding for the output vector file.
bbox = df_vazio.apply(lambda row: box(row.left, row.bottom, row.right, row.top), axis=1)
geo_dataframe = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(df_vazio, geometry=bbox)
geo_dataframe.crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
local = saida
geo_dataframe.to_file(driver = 'ESRI Shapefile', filename= (local+path_leaf(MODIS_address)+'.shp'))
df_vazio = pd.DataFrame(
{'mean_b1': [],
'mean_b2': [],
'mean_b4': [],
'euc_dist': [],
'left': [],
'right': [],
'bottom': [],
'top': [],
'id_alvo': []})
end = time.time()
print(end - start)
#finally appling the function
主要问题可能是对 raster_MODIS.read
的调用量非常大,这可能会执行 缓慢的 I/O 操作 。此外,由于 window 大小,每个单元格实际上被读取了 9 次(平均)。
要解决这个问题,您可以将整个光栅读入内存 的二维 numpy 数组中,然后直接对其进行操作。如果光栅太大,可以分割成线带甚至2D瓦片(虽然这有点复杂)。
然后,如果这还不够,您可以将 numpy 计算部分(2 个嵌套内部循环)放在一个函数中,并使用 numba @njit 加速它(请注意,如果 array_vazio
是直接分配的 2D numpy 数组,则它将是 better/faster,大小合适,甚至大小过高,因为 numba 不喜欢 Python 列表)。 12=]
我写了一个 python 卫星图像处理脚本。基本上,代码所做的是查看图像中每个像素周围的每个 window,并将其与同一图像中的特定感兴趣区域进行比较。具有最相似信息的 window 被存储并转换为地理空间向量。
请允许我进一步解释:我有从 2013 年到 2020 年某个特定位置的月度卫星图像 运行,总共有 90 张图像(90 个月)。我还有一个包含 52 个特征的矢量文件 (.shp),我感兴趣的区域 (ROI)。对于每个月,即每张图像,我必须查看我的 ROI,收集 ROI 内所有像素的数字值,并计算其平均数字值。我对该图像中所有可能的 3x3 像素 (window) 执行相同的操作并比较它们的均值。最后,每个 ROI 都有对应的 window,它们的平均数字值之间的欧几里得距离较小。输出是90个vector文件(.shp,每个对应一个image/month),其中52个windows by vector file,每个kernel对应一个window,其信息最接近于投资回报率。
并非图像中的每个像素都允许成为内核的一部分,因此我还有 90 个蒙版可以让我测试 window 是否可选。
问题是每个月度向量需要大约 8 小时才能生成。总的来说,我花了大约 30 天的时间来生成所有向量,尽管我有一台相当不错的机器(w10、64 位、intelCorei7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz、gtx8520m、4GB ram ...)。我知道嵌套的 for
循环不是编码时的最佳实践,而且 python 也不能很好地支持并行计算(我怀疑这是最好的方法,因为 windows 是独立)。
我尝试了不同的方法,比如@jit,尝试使用 GPU 进行计算,还尝试使用所有 4 个内核进行多处理。前两种方法不起作用,据我了解,可能是因为我的函数不适合 t运行slated。最后一个运行没有问题,但花了双倍的时间才完成。
我的问题是:我应该对我的代码进行哪些更改才能使其更快,这不仅涉及“良好的写作”,而且还考虑到我想使用所有 4 个内核,可能还有我的 GPU 运行它。我不是计算机科学家,因此我真的很难找到解决方案。
import pandas as pd
import geopandas
from rasterio.windows import Window
import rasterio
import numpy as np
from rasterstats import zonal_stats
from shapely.geometry import box
import os
import ntpath
import time
def path_leaf(path):
head, tail = ntpath.split(path)
return tail or ntpath.basename(head)
def getListOfFiles(dirName):
listOfFile = os.listdir(dirName)
allFiles = list()
for entry in listOfFile:
# Create full path
fullPath = os.path.join(dirName, entry)
# If entry is a directory then get the list of files in this directory
if os.path.isdir(fullPath):
allFiles = allFiles + getListOfFiles(fullPath)
return allFiles
#The address of the folder containing the ROI's
SHP_address = 'F:\nota_tecnica_2\vetores\amostras_interesse_final\ROI_wgs84_9_final_dissolvido.shp'
#The address of the satellite images
a = getListOfFiles('C:\dados_nota_tecnica\MODIS\MODIS_quality_mosaic_rec')
#The address of the masks (binary images where 0 is a electable pixel and 1 is a not electable pixel)
b = 'C:\dados_nota_tecnica\VIIRS\final\'
#The folder where I store my vectors at the end
c = 'F:\nota_tecnica_2\vetores\amostras_controle\'
#A variable defining which images from the "a" list should be analyzed
_from = 0
_to = 90
#The function that will search for the windows
def janela_movel(MODIS_list,local_viirs,saida):
start = time.time()
df_vazio = pd.DataFrame(
{'mean_b1': [],
'mean_b2': [],
'mean_b4': [],
'euc_dist': [],
'left': [],
'right': [],
'bottom': [],
'top': [],
'id_alvo': []})
for file in (range(_from,_to)): #len(MODIS_list)
MODIS_address = MODIS_list[file]
#Searches for a maks image that matches the name of the satellite image
viirs_address = local_viirs+path_leaf(MODIS_address)
#Open the matched mask image
raster_viirs = rasterio.open(viirs_address)
#Open the raster image
raster_MODIS = rasterio.open(MODIS_address)
#Caculates the average digital value in a ROI for 3 bands of the image (RED, GREEN and NEAR-INFRARED) (actually surface reflectance at NADIR);
media_zonal_b1 = zonal_stats(SHP_address, MODIS_address,
media_zonal_b2 = zonal_stats(SHP_address, MODIS_address,
media_zonal_b4 = zonal_stats(SHP_address, MODIS_address,
stats="mean count",
#Now the code will access the ROI. For each one it will extract not only the already computated mean value, but also the coordinates
#of the ROI and its ID (identificator)
for x in range(len(media_zonal_b1)):
mean_band1_alvo = media_zonal_b1[x]['properties']['mean']
mean_band2_alvo = media_zonal_b2[x]['properties']['mean']
mean_band4_alvo = media_zonal_b4[x]['properties']['mean']
id_alvo = x
array_vazio = []
#Here I set the size of the window/kernel
i = 3
j = 3
#Now it will access the satellite image and move this 3x3 window through all pixels
for i_r in range(raster_viirs.height):
for j_r in range(raster_viirs.width):
row_start = i_r
row_stop = i_r + i
col_start = j_r
col_stop = j_r + j
Win = Window.from_slices(slice(row_start, row_stop), slice(col_start, col_stop))
croped = raster_viirs.read(window=Win)
#This is some code to prevent NAN values and not electable pixels
if (-999.0 not in croped) and (1 not in croped) and (np.isnan(croped).any() != True):
bounds = raster_viirs.window_bounds(Win)
croped2 = raster_MODIS.read(window=Win) #aplicando a janela extraída ao dado e reflectancia
if ((np.isnan(croped2).any()) != True) and (croped2.size != 0):
mean_band1 = np.mean(croped2[0])
mean_band2 = np.mean(croped2[2])
mean_band4 = np.mean(croped2[4])
if (mean_band1_alvo or mean_band2_alvo or mean_band4_alvo) is None:
mean_band1_alvo = -999
mean_band2_alvo = -999
mean_band4_alvo = -999
dist = -999
#Calculates the euclidian distance between the bands of the pixels within the window and the ROI
dist = (((mean_band1 - mean_band1_alvo) ** 2) + ((mean_band2 - mean_band2_alvo) ** 2) + (
(mean_band4 - mean_band4_alvo) ** 2)) ** 0.5
# Creates a dataframe with all the electable kernels
array_dados = [dist,mean_band1,mean_band2,mean_band4,bounds[0],bounds[1],bounds[2],bounds[3]]
#aggreagte the kernels in a single array
array_vazio = array_vazio+array_dados
#Transforms in a 2d array and order it to find the most alike kernel (smallest euclidian distance)
array_dados_2d = np.reshape(array_vazio, (-1,8))
array_dados_2d = array_dados_2d[np.argsort(array_dados_2d[:, 0])]
#Number of windows per ROI
numero_de_amostras = 1
array_dados_filtered = array_dados_2d[0:numero_de_amostras, ]
#Accumulates the windows of all the ROI in a single vector (.shp file)
df_dados = pd.DataFrame(
{'euc_dist': array_dados_filtered[:, 0],
'mean_b1': array_dados_filtered[:, 1],
'mean_b2': array_dados_filtered[:, 2],
'mean_b4': array_dados_filtered[:, 3],
'left': array_dados_filtered[:, 4],
'bottom': array_dados_filtered[:, 5],
'right': array_dados_filtered[:, 6],
'top': array_dados_filtered[:, 7],
'id_alvo': id_alvo})
df_vazio = df_vazio.append(df_dados, ignore_index = True)
#Some geocoding for the output vector file.
bbox = df_vazio.apply(lambda row: box(row.left, row.bottom, row.right, row.top), axis=1)
geo_dataframe = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(df_vazio, geometry=bbox)
geo_dataframe.crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
local = saida
geo_dataframe.to_file(driver = 'ESRI Shapefile', filename= (local+path_leaf(MODIS_address)+'.shp'))
df_vazio = pd.DataFrame(
{'mean_b1': [],
'mean_b2': [],
'mean_b4': [],
'euc_dist': [],
'left': [],
'right': [],
'bottom': [],
'top': [],
'id_alvo': []})
end = time.time()
print(end - start)
#finally appling the function
主要问题可能是对 raster_MODIS.read
的调用量非常大,这可能会执行 缓慢的 I/O 操作 。此外,由于 window 大小,每个单元格实际上被读取了 9 次(平均)。
要解决这个问题,您可以将整个光栅读入内存 的二维 numpy 数组中,然后直接对其进行操作。如果光栅太大,可以分割成线带甚至2D瓦片(虽然这有点复杂)。
然后,如果这还不够,您可以将 numpy 计算部分(2 个嵌套内部循环)放在一个函数中,并使用 numba @njit 加速它(请注意,如果 array_vazio
是直接分配的 2D numpy 数组,则它将是 better/faster,大小合适,甚至大小过高,因为 numba 不喜欢 Python 列表)。 12=]