如何在 Django 中提交 302 表单后发送 POST 请求?

How to send POST request after form submit 302 in Django?


  1. 有一个付款表格,其中用户填写了所有详细信息。(API1),这里我收到错误 302:

  2. 在提交该表单时调用了我认为的函数之一。

  3. 在后端实现中,即。在 views.py 中,我想向我集成的其中一个网关发送 POST 请求。(API2)

但是随着请求以 GET 方式进行,问题来了,因此它丢弃了我随请求一起发送的所有表单数据。


views.py -->

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
payload = {
    'CustomerID': 'abc',
    'TxnAmount': '1.00',
    'BankID': '1',
    'AdditionalInfo1': '999999999',
    'AdditionalInfo2': 'test@test.test',

payload_encoded = urlencode(payload, quote_via=quote_plus)

response = requests.post('https://www.billdesk.com/pgidsk/PGIMerchantRequestHandler?hidRequestId=****&hidOperation=****', data=payload_encoded, headers=headers)

content = response.url
return_config = {
    "type": "content",
    "content": redirect(content)
return return_config

如何将第二个请求(API2)作为 POST 请求连同所有参数一起发送?我在这里做错了什么?


# here you are assigning the post url to content ie. 'https://www.billdesk.com/pgidsk/PGIMerchantRequestHandler?hidRequestId=****&hidOperation=****'
content = response.url 

return_config = {
    "type": "content",
    "content": redirect(content) # calling redirect with the response.url


# check status code for response
content = response.json() # if response is of json in format
content = response.text   # if response is of plain text

return_config = {
    "type": "content",
    "content": content 

return return_config

request.post() returns requests.Response 对象。为了获得响应数据,您需要使用 .text.json() 访问它,具体取决于发送响应的格式。

如果请求 returns 302 状态,则新 url 在 response.headers['Location'] 中可用。您可以继续关注新的url,直到您得到一个有效的回复。

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
payload = {
    'CustomerID': 'abc',
    'TxnAmount': '1.00',
    'BankID': '1',
    'AdditionalInfo1': '999999999',
    'AdditionalInfo2': 'test@test.test',

payload_encoded = urlencode(payload, quote_via=quote_plus)

response = requests.post('https://www.billdesk.com/pgidsk/PGIMerchantRequestHandler?hidRequestId=****&hidOperation=****', data=payload_encoded, headers=headers)

while response.status_code == 302:
    response = requests.post(response.headers['Location'], data=payload_encoded, headers=headers)

content = response.text
return_config = {
    "type": "content",
    "content": content
return return_config