如何根据 Excel Dataframe 中的内容突出显示行?
How to highlight rows based on content in Excel Dataframe?
我有一个 excel 文件,其中包含与左边一样的数据,我正在尝试对其进行格式化以获取
右侧的数据格式为 table。
使用我当前的代码,我能够格式化所有包含 headers (H1, H2,...)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from xlsxwriter.utility import xl_rowcol_to_cell
data = {'H1': {0: 'A', 1: '', 2: 'H1', 3: 'A', 4: '', 5: 'H1', 6: 'A', 7: 'A', 8: 'B', 9: 'B', 10: 'B', 11: '', 12: 'H1', 13: 'B', 14: 'B', 15: '', 16: 'H1', 17: 'C', 18: 'C', 19: 'C', 20: 'D', 21: 'D', 22: ''}, 'H2': {0: 'Rty', 1: '', 2: 'H2', 3: 'Rty', 4: '', 5: 'H2', 6: 'Rty', 7: 'Rty', 8: 'Rty', 9: 'Rty', 10: 'Rty', 11: '', 12: 'H2', 13: 'Rty', 14: 'Rty', 15: '', 16: 'H2', 17: 'Rty', 18: 'Rty', 19: 'Rty', 20: 'Rty', 21: 'Rty', 22: ''}, 'H3': {0: '1195', 1: '', 2: 'H3', 3: '1195', 4: '', 5: 'H3', 6: '1195', 7: '1195', 8: '1195', 9: '1195', 10: '1195', 11: '', 12: 'H3', 13: '1195', 14: '1195', 15: '', 16: 'H3', 17: '1195', 18: '1195', 19: '1195', 20: '1195', 21: '1195', 22: ''}, 'H4': {0: '9038', 1: 'H3=9038, 000', 2: 'H4', 3: '1355', 4: 'H3=1355, 363', 5: 'H4', 6: '2022', 7: '2022', 8: '2022', 9: '2022', 10: '2022', 11: 'H3=2022, 234', 12: 'H4', 13: '2564', 14: '2564', 15: 'H3=2564, 726', 16: 'H4', 17: '1501', 18: '1501', 19: '1501', 20: '1501', 21: '1501', 22: 'H3=1501, 143'}, 'H5': {0: '1537', 1: '', 2: 'H5', 3: '8', 4: '', 5: 'H5', 6: '59', 7: '78', 8: '76', 9: '6', 10: '31', 11: '', 12: 'H5', 13: '71', 14: '17', 15: '', 16: 'H5', 17: '72', 18: '89', 19: '47', 20: '32', 21: '233', 22: ''}}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('Output.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name='Output')
workbook = writer.book
worksheet = writer.sheets['Output']
number_rows = len(df.index)
format1 = workbook.add_format({'bg_color': 'black', 'font_color': 'yellow'})
for r in range(0,number_rows):
if df.iat[r,0] == "H1":
worksheet.set_row(r+1, None, format1)
我被困在如何限制从 A 列到 E 列的格式以及如何根据颜色嵌入绿色、黄色、绿色黄色
当 A 列中的值发生变化时。我的意思是,对于 A 列中的所有连续值 = "A" 以绿色突出显示,当更改突出显示为黄色时
您可以使用不同的 excel 库,例如 openpyxl
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import Font, Color, colors, fills
from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.active
for r in dataframe_to_rows(df, index=False, header=True):
a1 = ws['A1']
a1.font = Font(color="FF0000")
a1.fill = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=Color(rgb='00FF00'))
如果您想继续使用 xlsxwriter
Python 模块,您可以使用工作表对象上的 write(…)
您将不得不分解 to_excel()
方法并在循环中单独写入每个 DataFrame 值。
cell_format = workbook.add_format({'bold': True, 'italic': True})
# inside a loop iterating over your DataFrame
worksheet.write(row, column, value, cell_format) # Cell is bold and italic.
我有一个 excel 文件,其中包含与左边一样的数据,我正在尝试对其进行格式化以获取 右侧的数据格式为 table。
使用我当前的代码,我能够格式化所有包含 headers (H1, H2,...)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from xlsxwriter.utility import xl_rowcol_to_cell
data = {'H1': {0: 'A', 1: '', 2: 'H1', 3: 'A', 4: '', 5: 'H1', 6: 'A', 7: 'A', 8: 'B', 9: 'B', 10: 'B', 11: '', 12: 'H1', 13: 'B', 14: 'B', 15: '', 16: 'H1', 17: 'C', 18: 'C', 19: 'C', 20: 'D', 21: 'D', 22: ''}, 'H2': {0: 'Rty', 1: '', 2: 'H2', 3: 'Rty', 4: '', 5: 'H2', 6: 'Rty', 7: 'Rty', 8: 'Rty', 9: 'Rty', 10: 'Rty', 11: '', 12: 'H2', 13: 'Rty', 14: 'Rty', 15: '', 16: 'H2', 17: 'Rty', 18: 'Rty', 19: 'Rty', 20: 'Rty', 21: 'Rty', 22: ''}, 'H3': {0: '1195', 1: '', 2: 'H3', 3: '1195', 4: '', 5: 'H3', 6: '1195', 7: '1195', 8: '1195', 9: '1195', 10: '1195', 11: '', 12: 'H3', 13: '1195', 14: '1195', 15: '', 16: 'H3', 17: '1195', 18: '1195', 19: '1195', 20: '1195', 21: '1195', 22: ''}, 'H4': {0: '9038', 1: 'H3=9038, 000', 2: 'H4', 3: '1355', 4: 'H3=1355, 363', 5: 'H4', 6: '2022', 7: '2022', 8: '2022', 9: '2022', 10: '2022', 11: 'H3=2022, 234', 12: 'H4', 13: '2564', 14: '2564', 15: 'H3=2564, 726', 16: 'H4', 17: '1501', 18: '1501', 19: '1501', 20: '1501', 21: '1501', 22: 'H3=1501, 143'}, 'H5': {0: '1537', 1: '', 2: 'H5', 3: '8', 4: '', 5: 'H5', 6: '59', 7: '78', 8: '76', 9: '6', 10: '31', 11: '', 12: 'H5', 13: '71', 14: '17', 15: '', 16: 'H5', 17: '72', 18: '89', 19: '47', 20: '32', 21: '233', 22: ''}}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('Output.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name='Output')
workbook = writer.book
worksheet = writer.sheets['Output']
number_rows = len(df.index)
format1 = workbook.add_format({'bg_color': 'black', 'font_color': 'yellow'})
for r in range(0,number_rows):
if df.iat[r,0] == "H1":
worksheet.set_row(r+1, None, format1)
我被困在如何限制从 A 列到 E 列的格式以及如何根据颜色嵌入绿色、黄色、绿色黄色 当 A 列中的值发生变化时。我的意思是,对于 A 列中的所有连续值 = "A" 以绿色突出显示,当更改突出显示为黄色时 当再次将突出显示更改为绿色时,依此类推。
您可以使用不同的 excel 库,例如 openpyxl
您可以分别设置每个单元格的格式 例如:
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import Font, Color, colors, fills
from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.active
for r in dataframe_to_rows(df, index=False, header=True):
a1 = ws['A1']
a1.font = Font(color="FF0000")
a1.fill = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=Color(rgb='00FF00'))
如果您想继续使用 xlsxwriter
Python 模块,您可以使用工作表对象上的 write(…)
您将不得不分解 to_excel()
方法并在循环中单独写入每个 DataFrame 值。
cell_format = workbook.add_format({'bold': True, 'italic': True})
# inside a loop iterating over your DataFrame
worksheet.write(row, column, value, cell_format) # Cell is bold and italic.