.NetCore 日志在 GCP Stackdriver 中输出错误的严重性

.NetCore log output wrong severity in GCP Stackdriver

.netcore 应用程序的默认日志条目正在写入标准输出并由 GCP Stackdriver 解释为 info 消息,即使它是 错误。有没有办法将 .netcore 错误写入 stderr 或以某种方式配置它们,以便 Stackdriver 将它们解释为错误?

Stackdriver 日志条目:

.netcore 应用日志条目:

根据 Panagiotis Kanavos@:

If you insist on writing to console you'll have to remove the default console logger and add another one. The Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console logger is very basic, with a hard-coded format that writes parts of a single event in different lines. It can't be customised and isn't meant to - it's only meant to be the most basic default. Serilog's Console provider offers extensive customisation but why use the console when you can already send events to StackDriver?

这确实解决了最初的问题,根据 Kiramm@:

I removed the default console logger and added Google's logger factory and the Stackdriver started interpreting log entries severity correctly