Popen().stdout.close() return 是一个值吗?

Does Popen().stdout.close() return a value?


app7z = dirs['mopy'].join('7z.exe').s # path to 7z.exe
command = '"%s" a "%s" -y -r "%s\*"' % (app7z, dstFile.temp.s, srcDir.s)
ins = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo).stdout
#--Error checking and progress feedback
reCompressing = re.compile('Compressing\s+(.+)')
regMatch = reCompressing.match
reError = re.compile('Error: (.*)')
regErrMatch = reError.match
errorLine = []
for line in ins:
    maCompressing = regMatch(line)
    if len(errorLine) or regErrMatch(line):
    if maCompressing:
        # update progress
result = ins.close() # THIS
if result:
    raise StateError(_("%s: Compression failed:\n%s") % (dstFile.s, 

(full code)

ins.close() return 是否为非 None 失败值?我的 IDE (pycharm 3.4.2/4.5.2) 警告我它没有,但并不一致。

我在 windows 如果这有影响 - python 2.7.8

你觉得close可以return吗? 您可能想使用 wait 来获取退出代码:

app7z = dirs['mopy'].join('7z.exe').s # path to 7z.exe
command = [app7z, 'a', dstFile.temp.s, "-y", "-r", os.path.join(src.Dir.s, '*')]
process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo)
out = process.stdout
regMatch = re.compile('Compressing\s+(.+)').match
regErrMatch = re.compile('Error: (.*)').match
errorLine = []
for line in out:
    maCompressing = regMatch(line)
    if len(errorLine) or regErrMatch(line):
    if maCompressing:
        # update progress
result = process.wait()
if result:
    raise StateError(_("%s: Compression failed:\n%s") % (dstFile.s, 