从 semver 版本确定 NPM 服务器上存在的依赖项的最大匹配版本

Determine dependency's greatest matching version that exists on an NPM server from a semver version


如何根据 semver 版本确定 NPM 服务器上现有包的最大实现版本?

例如,我们有一个依赖项“foo”,它在 package.json 中指定为 ~1.2.3。 在 NPM 上,存在已发布版本 1.2.5,这是与 ~1.2.3.


我需要编写一个脚本,将“foo”和 ~1.2.3 作为输入,然后在服务器查询后,return 1.2.5。像这样:

await fetchRealizedVersion('foo', '~1.2.3'); // resolves to 1.2.5

我知道我可以做类似 yarn upgrade 的事情,然后解析锁定文件,但我正在寻找一种更直接的方法来完成此操作。 希望有一个包可以将其归结为 API 调用,但在谷歌搜索后我没有找到任何东西。

"Hopefully there is a package that boils this down to an API call,"

简短回答: 很遗憾,没有,据我所知,目前还没有软件包。

编辑: 有一个 get-latest-version 包你可能想试试:

Basic usage:

const getLatestVersion = require('get-latest-version')

getLatestVersion('some-other-module', {range: '^1.0.0'})
 .then((version) => console.log(version)) // highest version matching ^1.0.0 range
 .catch((err) => console.error(err))

或者,考虑 utilizing/writing 自定义 node.js 模块来执行以下步骤:

  1. 或者:

    • Shell 输出 npm view 命令以检索 NPM 注册表中给定包的所有可用版本:例如:

      npm view <pkg> versions --json
    • 或者,直接向 https://registry.npmjs.org 的 public npm registry 发出 https 请求,以检索给定软件包的所有可用版本。

  1. 解析返回的 JSON 并将其与 semver 范围(例如 ~1.2.3)一起传递给 node-semver 包的 maxSatisfying() 方法.


    maxSatisfying(versions, range): Return the highest version in the list that satisfies the range, or null if none of them do.

自定义模块 (A):

get-latest-version.js(下文)中提供的自定义示例模块主要执行上述步骤。在此示例中,我们 shell 输出了 npm view 命令。


'use strict';

// Requirements

const { exec } = require('child_process');
const { maxSatisfying } = require('semver');

// Data

const errorBadge = '\x1b[31;40mERR!\x1b[0m';

// Helpers

 * Captures the data written to stdout from a given shell command.
 * @param {String} command The shell command to execute.
 * @return {Promise<string>} A Promise object whose fulfillment value holds the
 * data written to stdout. When rejected an error message is returned.
 * @private
function shellExec(command) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
      if (error) {
        reject(new Error(`Failed executing command: '${command}'`));

// Public Interface

module.exports = {

   * Retrieves the latest version that matches the given range for a package.
   * @async
   * @param {String} pkg The package name.
   * @param {String} range The semver range.
   * @returns {Promise<string>} A Promise object that when fulfilled returns the
   * latest version that matches. When rejected an error message is returned.
  async fetchRealizedVersion(pkg, range) {
    try {
      const response = await shellExec(`npm view ${pkg} versions --json`);
      const versions = JSON.parse(response);

      return maxSatisfying(versions, range);

    } catch ({ message: errorMssg }) {
      throw Error([
        `${errorBadge} ${errorMssg}`,
        `${errorBadge} '${pkg}' is probably not in the npm registry.`





'use strict';

const { fetchRealizedVersion } = require('./get-latest-version.js');

(async function() {
  try {
    const latest = await fetchRealizedVersion('eslint', '~5.15.0');
    console.log(latest); // --> 5.15.3
  } catch ({ message: errMssg }) {

如您所见,在该示例中,我们获取了 eslint 软件包的最新发布版本,该版本与 semver tilde 范围 ~5.15.0.



$ node ./index.js

注意:您始终可以使用在线 semver calculator 仔细检查结果,它实际上使用了 node-semver 包。




'use strict';

const { fetchRealizedVersion } = require('./get-latest-version.js');

const criteria = [
    pkg: 'eslint',
    range: '^4.9.0'
    pkg: 'eslint',
    range: '~5.0.0'
    pkg: 'lighthouse',
    range: '~1.0.0'
    pkg: 'lighthouse',
    range: '^1.0.4'
    pkg: 'yarn',
    range: '~1.3.0'
    pkg: 'yarn',
    range: '^1.3.0'
    pkg: 'yarn',
    range: '^20.3.0'
    pkg: 'quuxbarfoo',
    range: '~1.3.0'

(async function () {

  // Each request is sent and read in parallel.
  const promises = criteria.map(async ({ pkg, range }) => {
    try {
      return await fetchRealizedVersion(pkg, range);
    } catch ({ message: errMssg }) {
      return errMssg;

  // Log each 'latest' semver in sequence.
  for (const latest of promises) {
    console.log(await latest);


$ node ./index.js
ERR! Failed executing command: 'npm view quuxbarfoo versions --json'
ERR! 'quuxbarfoo' is probably not in the npm registry.

附加说明: get-latest-version.js 中的 shellExec 辅助函数当前承诺 child_process 模块的 exec() method to shell out the npm view command. However, since node.js version 12 the built-in util.promisify 提供了另一种方法来承诺 exec() 方法 (如 exec 的文档中所示),因此您可能更愿意这样做。


如果您想避免 shell 发出 npm view 命令,您可以考虑直接向 https://registry.npmjs.org 端点发出请求(这与 npm view 命令发送一个 https GET 请求到).

get-latest-version.js 的修改版本(下)本质上使用了内置 https.get.

的 promisified 版本



'use strict';

// Requirements

const https = require('https');
const { maxSatisfying } = require('semver');

// Data

const endPoint = 'https://registry.npmjs.org';
const errorBadge = '\x1b[31;40mERR!\x1b[0m';

// Helpers

 * Requests JSON for a given package from the npm registry.
 * @param {String} pkg The package name.
 * @return {Promise<json>} A Promise object that when fulfilled returns the JSON
 * metadata for the specific package. When rejected an error message is returned.
 * @private
function fetchPackageInfo(pkg) {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

    https.get(`${endPoint}/${pkg}/`, response => {

      const { statusCode, headers: { 'content-type': contentType } } = response;

      if (statusCode !== 200) {
        reject(new Error(`Request to ${endPoint} failed. ${statusCode}`));

      if (!/^application\/json/.test(contentType)) {
        reject(new Error(`Expected application/json but received ${contentType}`));

      let data = '';

      response.on('data', chunk => {
        data += chunk;

      response.on('end', () => {

    }).on('error', error => {
      reject(new Error(`Cannot find ${endPoint}`));

// Public Interface

module.exports = {

   * Retrieves the latest version that matches the given range for a package.
   * @async
   * @param {String} pkg The package name.
   * @param {String} range The semver range.
   * @returns {Promise<string>} A Promise object that when fulfilled returns the
   * latest version that matches. When rejected an error message is returned.
  async fetchRealizedVersion(pkg, range) {
    try {
      const response = await fetchPackageInfo(pkg);
      const { versions: allVersionInfo } = JSON.parse(response);

      // The response includes all metadata for all versions of a package.
      // Let's create an Array holding just the `version` info.
      const versions = [];
      Object.keys(allVersionInfo).forEach(key => {

     return maxSatisfying(versions, range);

    } catch ({ message: errorMssg }) {
      throw Error([
        `${errorBadge} ${errorMssg}`,
        `${errorBadge} '${pkg}' is probably not in the npm registry.`


注意示例自定义模块(A 和 B)中使用的 node-semver 版本不是当前最新版本(即 7.3.2).而是使用版本 ^5.7.1 - 这与 npm cli 工具使用的版本相同。