监控ssl aws ALB时Zabbiks项报错

Error of the Zabbiks item when monitoring the ssl aws ALB

有必要借助 Zabbiks 在 aws 中启用对 ALB 的 SSL 计数许可证的监控。 Zabbiks 无法识别该项目

UserParameter = ssl.count, aws elbv2 describe-listener-certificates --listener-arn --profile ******** arn: aws: elasticloadbalancing: eu-central - ******* ****** 1dcfc52e | jq '.Certificates | . []. CertificateArn '| wc -l

zabbix 写

Value of type "string" is not suitable for value type "Numeric (unsigned)".Value "The config profile (****) could not be found0"

如果我将信息类型更改为文本,那么除触发器外一切正常,触发器应该 return ALB 中有多少 SSL 许可证, zabbix_agentd -t ssl.count command ssl.count [t | 26] 控制台的输出一切正常,所有凭据都很好。

zabbix 中的 ABL 在宏中声明 {$ HOST.NAME} main-devs - *******. Eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com




$ ls -l temp.sh nonexisting.sh
ls: cannot access nonexisting.sh: No such file or directory
-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser domain users 14918 Oct 15  2019 temp.sh

$ ls -l temp.sh nonexisting.sh | wc -l
ls: cannot access nonexisting.sh: No such file or directory

$ ls -l temp.sh nonexisting.sh 2>/dev/null | wc -l


UserParameter = ssl.count, aws elbv2 describe-listener-certificates --listener-arn --profile ******** arn: aws: elasticloadbalancing: eu-central - ******* ****** 1dcfc52e 2>/dev/null | jq '.Certificates | . []. CertificateArn '| wc -l