是否可以针对图像具有文本数据的单个 class 训练 YOLO(任何版本)。 (找到方程的区域)

Is it possible to train YOLO (any version) for a single class where the image has text data. (find region of equations)

我想知道是否可以在文本数据上训练 YOLO(任何版本,特别是准确率而非速度的版本)。我想要做的是在文本图像中找到 区域,其中存在任何方程 .

例如,我想在 this image 中找到 2 个感兴趣的灰色区域,以便我可以勾勒出轮廓并最终分别裁剪方程。

我问这个问题是因为: 首先我还没有找到YOLO用于文本数据的地方。 其次,与 (416,416) 不同的是,我们如何针对低分辨率进行自定义,因为所有图像都经过裁剪或横向处理,大部分采用 (W=2H) 格式。

我已经为文本数据实现了 YOLO-V3 版本,但使用的是基本上用于 CPU 的 OpenCv。我想从头开始训练模型。

请帮忙。任何 Keras、Tensorflow 或 PyTorch 都可以。

这是我在 OpenCv 中实现的代码。

net = cv2.dnn.readNet(PATH+"yolov3.weights", PATH+"yolov3.cfg") # build the model. NOTE: This will only use CPU
layer_names = net.getLayerNames() # get all the layer names from the network 254 layers in the network
output_layers = [layer_names[i[0] - 1] for i in net.getUnconnectedOutLayers()] # output layer is the 
# 3 output layers in otal

blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image=img, scalefactor=0.00392, size=(416,416), mean=(0, 0, 0), swapRB=True,)
#  output as numpy array of (1,3,416,416). If you need to change the shape, change it in the config file too
# swap BGR to RGB, scale it to a threshold, resize, subtract it from the mean of 0 for all the RGB values


outs = net.forward(output_layers) # list of 3 elements for each channel

class_ids = [] # id of classes
confidences = [] # to store all the confidence score of objects present in bounding boxes if 0, no object is present
boxes = [] # to store all the boxes

for out in outs: # get all channels one by one
    for detection in out: # get detection one by one
        scores = detection[5:] # prob of 80 elements if the object(s) is/are inside the box and if yes, with what prob
        class_id = np.argmax(scores) # Which class is dominating inside the list
        confidence = scores[class_id]
        if confidence > 0.1: # consider only those boxes which have a prob of having an object > 0.55
            # grid coordinates
            center_x = int(detection[0] * width) # centre X of grid
            center_y = int(detection[1] * height) # Center Y of grid
            w = int(detection[2] * width) # width
            h = int(detection[3] * height) # height
            # Rectangle coordinates
            x = int(center_x - w / 2)
            y = int(center_y - h / 2)
            boxes.append([x, y, w, h]) # get all the bounding boxes
            confidences.append(float(confidence)) # get all the confidence score
            class_ids.append(class_id) # get all the clas ids


例如 Yolo 可以像这样训练来进行基于文本的徽标检测:

I want to find the 2 of the Gray regions of interest in this image so that I can outline and eventually, crop the equations separately.

您的问题陈述谈到检测图像中存在的任何方程式(数学公式),因此无法单独使用 Yolo 来完成。我认为 mathpix 与您的用例相似。他们将使用 OCR (Optical Character Recognition) 系统训练并针对他们的用例进行微调。

最终做类似 mathpix 的事情,OCR 为您的用例定制的系统就是您所需要的。为此,不会有任何现成的现成解决方案。你必须建造一个。


注意: Tesseract 不能直接使用,因为它是一个为读取任何字符而训练的预训练模型。您可以参考第二篇论文来训练 tesseract 以适应您的用例。

要对 OCR 有所了解,您可以阅读它 here


所以想法是构建您自己的 OCR 来检测构成 equation/math 公式的内容,而不是检测每个字符。您需要有标记方程式的数据集。基本上你寻找带有数学符号的区域(比如求和、积分等)。

一些训练您自己的 OCR 的教程:

So idea is that you follow these tutorials to get to know how to train and build your OCR for any use case and then you read research papers I mentioned above and also some of the basic ideas I gave above to build OCR towards your use case.