java 的 Swagger - 必填字段阻止执行

Swagger for java - the required field prevents execution

我正在使用具有以下 Maven 依赖项的 swagger:



        method = "GET",
        summary = "Get alerts by Date Range",
        extensions = @Extension(name = "x-rest-api", properties = @ExtensionProperty(name = "public", value = "true")),
        parameters = {
                @Parameter(name = "startDate",
                        in = ParameterIn.QUERY,
                        description = "Get alerts from this date. `startDate` should be in GMT and 24 hour Clock",
                        example = "2020-07-15T15:57:00Z",
                        schema = @Schema(implementation = ZonedDateTime.class),
                        required = true),
                @Parameter(name = "endDate",
                        in = ParameterIn.QUERY,
                        description = "Get alerts to this date. `endDate` should be in GMT and 24 hour Clock",
                        example = "2020-07-20T15:57:00Z",
                        required = true)
        responses = {
                        responseCode = "200",
                        description = "A list of alerts",
                        content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = AlertObject .class))),
                        responseCode = "401",
                        description = "Invalid Bearer Token",
                        content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = ApiException.class))
public AlertObject alertsByDateRange(@NotNull @Valid @QueryParam("startDate") ZonedDateTime startDate,
                                                 @NotNull @Valid @QueryParam("endDate") ZonedDateTime endDate) { ... }

以上2个参数应该都是必填参数。所以我设置了 required = true。但是,一旦我将它们设置为必需,我就无法再通过 swagger 执行此 API 调用。当我使用 Postman 调用此函数时,它运行良好。但是,我不能再用招摇的 UI 来测试了。我不知道这是为什么?我什至尝试为其中之一设置 schema 字段(我认为 swagger 可能需要知道如何验证)但这没有帮助。所以现在,当我填写这些字段时,swagger 以红色突出显示它们并拒绝执行此 API 调用。 当我将鼠标悬停在红色框上时,它显示“未提供必填字段”。

我在网上查了一下,但找不到一组很好的示例来说明如何在 swagger 中为 java 正确设置所需参数,我也找不到描述 API 的细微差别的 API =28=]版本。

所以我的问题是 - 如何正确设置所需的参数,使它们仍然可以通过 swagger 执行 UI?


如果你注意到上面的代码,我在 swagger 中声明了相同的参数两次。第一次是:

@Parameter(name = "startDate",
                    in = ParameterIn.QUERY,
                    description = "Get alerts from this date. `startDate` should be in GMT and 24 hour Clock",
                    example = "2020-07-15T15:57:00Z",
                    schema = @Schema(implementation = ZonedDateTime.class),
                    required = true),


@NotNull @Valid @QueryParam("startDate") ZonedDateTime startDate,

当我查看 yaml 时,我看到了这个:

  - name: startDate
    in: query
    description: Get historical alerts from this date. `startDate` should be in
      GMT and 24 hour Clock
    required: true
      type: string
      format: date-time
    example: 2020-07-15T15:57:00Z
  - name: startDate
    in: query
    required: true
      type: string
      format: date-time


(我认为潜在的问题是两者都被考虑 required 但我们只能填写 1 个参数。)

删除第二个声明后,我就可以使用 swagger 来测试我的 API 调用。