在项目“Xtreme.xcodeproj”中找不到名为“<Workspace Name>”的目标

Unable to find a target named `<Workspace Name>` in project `Xtreme.xcodeproj`

我正在使用 xcode 10.1 开发 swift 3 项目,我需要安装一些 pods (firebase/crashlytics),但是当我触发pod install 好像是return下面的错误信息。之前使用相同的 pod 文件,项目完美 运行。唯一的问题是安装新的 pods。有人可以帮忙吗?

Get-R-Done -: 工作区名称 Xtreme -: 项目名称

Pod 文件

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
 platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'Get-R-Done' do
  # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
   pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 3.1'
   pod 'RealmSwift', '~> 2.1'
   pod 'ALCameraViewController'
   pod 'ReachabilitySwift', '~> 3'
   pod 'ILPDFKit', '~> 1.0'
   pod 'Fabric'
   pod 'Crashlytics'
   pod 'ActiveLabel', '~> 0.7'
   # Add the pod for Firebase Crashlytics
  pod 'Firebase/Crashlytics'

# Recommended: Add the Firebase pod for Google Analytics
  pod 'Firebase/Analytics'  

  # Pods for Get-R-Done

  target 'Get-R-DoneTests' do
    inherit! :search_paths
    # Pods for testing

  target 'Get-R-DoneUITests' do
    inherit! :search_paths
    # Pods for testing



[!] Unable to find a target named `Get-R-Done` in project `Xtreme.xcodeproj`, did find `Xtreme`, `XtremeTests`, and `XtremeUITests`.

已更新至 Swift 4 并解决了问题