
Number of specific documents and greater




df <- data.frame(text = c("only a small text","only a small text","only a small text","only a small text","only a small text","only a small text","remove this word lower frequency"))
tdfm <- df$text %>%
  tokens(remove_punct = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE) %>%


dfm_keepdocfreq 结合使用可提供您正在寻找的内容。我选择 select 超过 5,因此它适用于您的示例。否则 dfm 将是空的。

dfm_keep(tdfm, pattern = featnames(tdfm)[docfreq(tdfm) > 5])
Document-feature matrix of: 7 documents, 4 features (14.3% sparse).
docs    only a small text
  text1    1 1     1    1
  text2    1 1     1    1
  text3    1 1     1    1
  text4    1 1     1    1
  text5    1 1     1    1
  text6    1 1     1    1
  text7    0 0     0    0

最简单的方法是将 dfm_trim() 参数与 min_docfreq = 6 一起使用。在 运行 你上面的代码之后使用 v2.1.0:

> dfm_trim(tdfm, min_docfreq = 6) %>%
      print(max_ndoc = -1)
Document-feature matrix of: 7 documents, 4 features (14.3% sparse).
docs    only a small text
  text1    1 1     1    1
  text2    1 1     1    1
  text3    1 1     1    1
  text4    1 1     1    1
  text5    1 1     1    1
  text6    1 1     1    1
  text7    0 0     0    0