NgForOf 指令中 ngForTrackBy 的用途是什么

What is the purpose of ngForTrackBy in the NgForOf directive

来自 Angular 的 source code,以下片段让我感到困惑。

   * A function that defines how to track changes for items in the iterable.
   * When items are added, moved, or removed in the iterable,
   * the directive must re-render the appropriate DOM nodes.
   * To minimize churn in the DOM, only nodes that have changed
   * are re-rendered.
   * By default, the change detector assumes that
   * the object instance identifies the node in the iterable.
   * When this function is supplied, the directive uses
   * the result of calling this function to identify the item node,
   * rather than the identity of the object itself.
   * The function receives two inputs,
   * the iteration index and the node object ID.
  set ngForTrackBy(fn: TrackByFunction<T>) {
    this._trackByFn = fn;

here 在官方文档中传递 trackBy 函数的示例中。

trackById(index: number, hero: Hero): number { return; }


When this function is supplied, the directive uses the result of calling this function to identify the item node, rather than the identity of the object itself.

但在上面的示例中,我们无论如何都传递了对象本身的标识 (return;),但是通过一个附加函数。为什么我们需要那个?如果我们没有传递任何此类函数,那么 Angular 不会按照文档默认执行它所做的事情,即获取对象本身的标识吗?

跟踪器函数的显式传递与 Angular 没有它时通常所做的究竟有何不同?


我完全可以看出它的措辞是多么令人困惑。但是当它说“而不是对象本身的身份”时<<它意味着整个对象。在该示例中,默认情况下将跟踪整个英雄对象。通过为其提供跟踪功能,您可以将其缩小到对象的一个​​ 属性(例如 id 属性),而不是跟踪整个对象。从该片段中可能不清楚的是,英雄 class 是否有一些 属性 命名 ID。

Angular 将检查内存中的引用是否为非原始类型。如果你不传递 trackById 方法,每次数组改变时它认为每个对象都是新的并重新创建所有 DOM 节点。

如果传trackById,它会检查原来的对象和新的对象,如果它们的id属性相同,就说它们是同一个对象,不会重新绘制 DOM 节点。

这是一个您也可以 运行 的示例,它很简单 javascript

let obj1 = {id: 1, name: 'test'};
let obj1a = {id: 1, name: 'test'};
let prim1 = 1;
let prim2 = 1;

const checkById = (a, b) => {
  return ===;

// obj1 and 1a are not the same, because they are different references in memory
console.log("obj1 === obj1a", obj1 === obj1a);

// ob1 and obj1a are the "same" to us though, because the ID property is the same
console.log("checkById(obj1, obj1a)", checkById(obj1, obj1a));

// primitives would be equal
console.log("prim1 === prim2", prim1 === prim2);