如何根据 pandas 中的其他列对一列的值求和?

How to sum values of one column based on other columns in pandas?


我应该计算自 2010 年以来哪个国家/地区在锦标赛中进球最多。到目前为止,我已经设法通过像这样过滤掉友军来操纵数据框:

no_friendlies = df[df.tournament != "Friendly"]


no_friendlies_indexed = no_friendlies.set_index('date')
since_2010 = no_friendlies_indexed.loc['2010-01-01':]


任何 help/advice 不胜感激!



date    home_team   away_team   home_score  away_score  tournament  city    country     neutral
0   1872-11-30  Scotland    England     0   0       Friendly    Glasgow     Scotland    False
1   1873-03-08  England     Scotland    4   2       Friendly    London  England     False
2   1874-03-07  Scotland    England     2   1       Friendly    Glasgow     Scotland    False
3   1875-03-06  England     Scotland    2   2       Friendly    London  England     False
4   1876-03-04  Scotland    England     3   0       Friendly    Glasgow     Scotland    False
5   1876-03-25  Scotland    Wales       4   0       Friendly    Glasgow     Scotland    False
6   1877-03-03  England     Scotland    1   3       Friendly    London  England     False
7   1877-03-05  Wales       Scotland    0   2       Friendly    Wrexham     Wales   False
8   1878-03-02  Scotland    England     7   2       Friendly    Glasgow     Scotland    False
9   1878-03-23  Scotland    Wales       9   0       Friendly    Glasgow     Scotland    False
10  1879-01-18  England     Wales       2   1       Friendly    London  England     False

编辑 2:


since_2010.groupby(['home_team', 'home_score']).sum()

但这不是 return 主队得分的总和(如果这有效,我会为客队重复它以获得总得分)

.groupby.sum() 为主队,然后为客队做同样的事情,并将两者相加:

df_new = df.groupby('home_team')['home_score'].sum() + df.groupby('away_team')['away_score'].sum()


England     12
Scotland    34
Wales        1


  1. 您只需要 .groupby 一栏 home_team。在您的回答中,您按 ['home_team', 'home_score'] 分组 您的目标(没有双关语意)是获得 home_score.sum() - 所以您应该 NOT.groupby()吧。如您所见,['home_score'] 在我使用 .groupby 的部分之后,因此我可以获得它的 .sum()。这让你为主队做好了准备。
  2. 然后,您对 away_team 执行相同的操作。
  3. 此时 python / pandas 足够聪明,因为 home_teamaway_team 组的结果具有相同的国家值,您可以简单地将它们加在一起...

使用pd.wide_to_long重塑。好处是它会自动创建一个 'home_or_away' 指标,但我们将首先更改列,使它们成为 'score_home'(而不是 'home_score')。

# Swap column stubs around `'_'`
df.columns = ['_'.join(x[::-1]) for x in df.columns.str.split('_')]

# Your code to filter, would drop everything in your provided example
# df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
# df[df['date'].dt.year.gt(2010) & df['tournament'].ne('Friendly')]

df = pd.wide_to_long(df, i='date', j='home_or_away',
                     stubnames=['team', 'score'], sep='_', suffix='.*')

#                          country  neutral tournament     city      team  score
#date       home_or_away                                                        
#1872-11-30 home          Scotland    False   Friendly  Glasgow  Scotland      0
#1873-03-08 home           England    False   Friendly   London   England      4
#1874-03-07 home          Scotland    False   Friendly  Glasgow  Scotland      2
#1878-03-02 away          Scotland    False   Friendly  Glasgow   England      2
#1878-03-23 away          Scotland    False   Friendly  Glasgow     Wales      0
#1879-01-18 away           England    False   Friendly   London     Wales      1


#England     12
#Scotland    34
#Wales        1
#Name: score, dtype: int64