如何在 OpenXML (C# .Net core 3.1) 中用 Image / Table 替换文本
How to replace text with Image / Table in OpenXML (C# .Net core 3.1)
我只是使用 OpenXML 来处理 docx 文档。我有带有符号的模板
{{signatureImage}} 等
我需要用 table、图像等替换那些文本。如何在 Openxml 中执行此操作?
我正在使用 C# .Net 核心 3.1 和 OpenXML 2.5
var fileName = Path.Combine(_hostingEnv.WebRootPath, "test/test.docx");
var fileNameResult = Path.Combine(_hostingEnv.WebRootPath, "test/result.docx");
byte[] byteArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
stream.Write(byteArray, 0, (int)byteArray.Length);
using (WordprocessingDocument wd = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true))
Table table = new Table();
// Create a TableProperties object and specify its border information.
TableProperties tblProp = new TableProperties(
new TableBorders(
new TopBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
new BottomBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
new LeftBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
new RightBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
new InsideHorizontalBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
new InsideVerticalBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
// Append the TableProperties object to the empty table.
// Create a row.
TableRow tr = new TableRow();
// Create a cell.
TableCell tc1 = new TableCell();
// Specify the width property of the table cell.
tc1.Append(new TableCellProperties(
new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "2400" }));
// Specify the table cell content.
tc1.Append(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text("some text"))));
// Append the table cell to the table row.
// Create a second table cell by copying the OuterXml value of the first table cell.
TableCell tc2 = new TableCell(tc1.OuterXml);
// Append the table cell to the table row.
// Append the table row to the table.
var tblStr = table.ToString();
Text tablePl = wd.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Descendants<Text>().Where(x => x.Text == "{{tableOfUsers}}").First();
if(tablePl != null)
var parent = tablePl.Parent;
tablePl.Parent.InsertAfter<Table>(table, tablePl);
string docText = null;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(wd.MainDocumentPart.GetStream()))
docText = sr.ReadToEnd();
Regex regexText = new Regex("{{name}}");
docText = regexText.Replace(docText, "Claire " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
// Regex regextable = new Regex("{{tableOfUsers}}");
// docText = regextable.Replace(docText, tblStr);
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(wd.MainDocumentPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create)))
await System.IO.File.WriteAllBytesAsync(fileNameResult, stream.ToArray());
string fileName2 = "result.docx";
var data = await _fileRepo.DownloadFile(fileName2);
return File(data, "application/octet-stram", "filename.docx");
我的 docx 文件看起来像
Hello {{name}}
Here is the list of users : {{tableOfUsers}}
string tablePlaceholder = "{{tableOfUsers}}";
Text tablePl = wd.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body
.Where(x => x.Text.Contains(tablePlaceholder))
if (tablePl != null)
//Insert the table after the paragraph.
var parent = tablePl.Parent.Parent.Parent;
parent.InsertAfter(table, tablePl.Parent.Parent);
tablePl.Text = tablePl.Text.Replace(tablePlaceholder, "");
string docText = wd.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.OuterXml;
Regex regexText = new Regex("{{name}}");
docText = regexText.Replace(docText, "Claire " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
wd.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body = new Body(docText);
您在代码中查找 {{table}}
,但模板中的符号是 {{tableOfUsers}}
我只是使用 OpenXML 来处理 docx 文档。我有带有符号的模板 {{userFirstName}} {{tableOfUsers}} {{signatureImage}} 等
我需要用 table、图像等替换那些文本。如何在 Openxml 中执行此操作? 我正在使用 C# .Net 核心 3.1 和 OpenXML 2.5
var fileName = Path.Combine(_hostingEnv.WebRootPath, "test/test.docx");
var fileNameResult = Path.Combine(_hostingEnv.WebRootPath, "test/result.docx");
byte[] byteArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
stream.Write(byteArray, 0, (int)byteArray.Length);
using (WordprocessingDocument wd = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true))
Table table = new Table();
// Create a TableProperties object and specify its border information.
TableProperties tblProp = new TableProperties(
new TableBorders(
new TopBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
new BottomBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
new LeftBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
new RightBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
new InsideHorizontalBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
new InsideVerticalBorder()
Val =
new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Dashed),
Size = 24
// Append the TableProperties object to the empty table.
// Create a row.
TableRow tr = new TableRow();
// Create a cell.
TableCell tc1 = new TableCell();
// Specify the width property of the table cell.
tc1.Append(new TableCellProperties(
new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "2400" }));
// Specify the table cell content.
tc1.Append(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text("some text"))));
// Append the table cell to the table row.
// Create a second table cell by copying the OuterXml value of the first table cell.
TableCell tc2 = new TableCell(tc1.OuterXml);
// Append the table cell to the table row.
// Append the table row to the table.
var tblStr = table.ToString();
Text tablePl = wd.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Descendants<Text>().Where(x => x.Text == "{{tableOfUsers}}").First();
if(tablePl != null)
var parent = tablePl.Parent;
tablePl.Parent.InsertAfter<Table>(table, tablePl);
string docText = null;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(wd.MainDocumentPart.GetStream()))
docText = sr.ReadToEnd();
Regex regexText = new Regex("{{name}}");
docText = regexText.Replace(docText, "Claire " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
// Regex regextable = new Regex("{{tableOfUsers}}");
// docText = regextable.Replace(docText, tblStr);
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(wd.MainDocumentPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create)))
await System.IO.File.WriteAllBytesAsync(fileNameResult, stream.ToArray());
string fileName2 = "result.docx";
var data = await _fileRepo.DownloadFile(fileName2);
return File(data, "application/octet-stram", "filename.docx");
我的 docx 文件看起来像
Hello {{name}}
Here is the list of users : {{tableOfUsers}}
string tablePlaceholder = "{{tableOfUsers}}";
Text tablePl = wd.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body
.Where(x => x.Text.Contains(tablePlaceholder))
if (tablePl != null)
//Insert the table after the paragraph.
var parent = tablePl.Parent.Parent.Parent;
parent.InsertAfter(table, tablePl.Parent.Parent);
tablePl.Text = tablePl.Text.Replace(tablePlaceholder, "");
string docText = wd.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.OuterXml;
Regex regexText = new Regex("{{name}}");
docText = regexText.Replace(docText, "Claire " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
wd.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body = new Body(docText);
您在代码中查找 {{table}}
,但模板中的符号是 {{tableOfUsers}}