使用 PHP 从 start_time 和 end_time 的多维数组中查找总小时数?

Find total hours from multi-dimensional array with start_time and end_time using PHP?

我正在尝试使用 start_timeend_time



  1. 对每组时间预订执行以下操作
  2. 找到最小的start_time
  3. start_timeend_time 之间的 duration 添加到 sum
  4. 通过start_time
  5. 查找下一个最小的时间预订
  6. IF start_time < previous_end_timesum 中减去差异 END IF
  7. start_timeend_time之间添加duration
  8. 跳转到 4 直到没有匹配的元素为止。


class Helper 
     public static function minToHour($minutes)
        if (empty($minutes)) {
            return 0;
        $hours = floor($minutes / 60);
        $min = $minutes - ($hours * 60);

        return $hours . ":" . $min;
public static function getMinsBetweenTwoTimes($start, $end)
        $datetime1 = strtotime($start);
        $datetime2 = strtotime($end);
        $interval = abs($datetime2 - $datetime1);
        $minutes = round($interval / 60);
        return $minutes;
$array =array (
  '2020-07-14' => 
  array (
    array (
      'start_time' => '09:00:00',
      'end_time' => '13:00:00',
      'hours' => '4 hours 0 mins',
    1 => 
    array (
      'start_time' => '13:30:00',
      'end_time' => '16:30:00',
      'hours' => '3 hours 0 mins',
    2 => 
    array (
      'start_time' => '09:00:00',
      'end_time' => '14:00:00',
      'hours' => '5 hours 0 mins',
  '2020-07-15' => 
  array (

    array (
      'start_time' => '13:30:00',
      'end_time' => '17:00:00',
      'hours' => '3 hours 30 mins',
    1 => 
    array (
      'start_time' => '09:00:00',
      'end_time' => '14:00:00',
      'hours' => '5 hours 0 mins',

  $newArray = [];
            foreach ($array as $key => $dateArr) {
                    array_map('strtotime', array_column($dateArr, 'start_time')),
                    array_column($dateArr, 'start_time'),
                $newArray[$key] [] = $dateArr;
            $sumArr = [];
            foreach ($newArray as $date => $items) {
                $sum = 0;
                foreach ($items[0] as $key => $item) {
                    $sum += Helper::getMinsBetweenTwoTimes($item['start_time'], $item['end_time']);
                    if ($key > 0) {
                        $previous_end_time = $items[0][$key - 1]['end_time'] ?? null;
                        if (!empty($previous_end_time)) {
                            if (($item['start_time']) < strtotime($previous_end_time)) {
                                $sum -= Helper::getMinsBetweenTwoTimes($item['start_time'], $item['end_time']);
                $newArray[$date] ['total_attended_hours'] = Helper::minToHour($sum);
            echo "<pre>";

Playground sample code link

我更改了 2 行,81 和 82(如下所示)。你不需要 strtotime($previous_end_time) 来比较它,因为时间是 24 小时制,而且当你减去你想要减去 $previous_end_time 而不是 $item['end_time' ].

if (($item['start_time']) < $previous_end_time) {
  $sum -= Helper::getMinsBetweenTwoTimes($item['start_time'], $previous_end_time);



1- 将所有时间字符串转换为整数并对参加时段的每个日期列表进行排序。

2- 合并每个日期的重叠时段,例如,如果一个时段从 9 点到 12 点,另一个从 11 点到 13 点,则将其合并为一个从 9 点到 13 点的时段。

3- 对每个日期的所有参加时间求和。


$array = [
    '2020-07-14' =>[
            'start_time' => '09:00:00',
            'end_time' => '13:00:00',
            'hours' => '4 hours 0 mins',
            'start_time' => '13:30:00',
            'end_time' => '16:30:00',
            'hours' => '3 hours 0 mins',

            'start_time' => '09:00:00',
            'end_time' => '14:00:00',
            'hours' => '5 hours 0 mins',
            'start_time' => '17:00:00',
            'end_time' => '18:00:00',
            'hours' => '1 hours 0 mins',
    '2020-07-15' => [
            'start_time' => '09:00:00',
            'end_time' => '14:00:00',
            'hours' => '5 hours 0 mins',
            'start_time' => '13:30:00',
            'end_time' => '17:00:00',
            'hours' => '4 hours 30 mins',

// Convert all times strings into integers and sort each day list
// by the start time
$r = parseTimesAndSort($array);

// Combine overlaping periods in a single period
$r = flatternOverlaps($r);

// Sum all the periods in each date
$r = sumPeriods($r);

// Applly the result to the original array
foreach($r as $date => $item){
    $array[$date]['total_attended_hours'] = $item;


 * Given a time string returns the number of seconds from 00:00:00 as integer.
 * example: 09:30:10 => 34210 (9*3600 + 30*60 + 10)
 * @param $time
 * @return int
function timeToSeconds($time){
    $list = explode(":", $time);
    return $list[0] * 3600 + $list[1] * 60 + $list[2];

 * Given an integer as seconds returns the time string in 00:00:00 format.
 * example: 34210 => 09:30:10
 * @param $value
 * @return string
function secondsToTime($value){
    $hours = floor($value/3600);
    $min = floor(($value%3600) / 60);
    $secods = floor($value % 60);

    return str_pad($hours, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)
        .":".str_pad($min, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)
        .":".str_pad($secods, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

 * Function to compare two periods
 * @param $a
 * @param $b
 * @return int
function sortByStartTime($a, $b){
    if ($a['start_time'] == $b['start_time']){
        return 0;
    return $a['start_time'] < $b['start_time'] ? -1 : 1;

 * Parses the periods string times to integers and sorts them
 * @param $array
 * @return array
function parseTimesAndSort($array){
    $r = [];
    foreach($array as $date => $list){
        $current = [];
        foreach($list as $item){
            $current[] = [
                'start_time' => timeToSeconds($item['start_time']),
                'end_time' => timeToSeconds($item['end_time']),
        usort($current, 'sortByStartTime');
        $r[$date] = $current;
    return $r;

 * Finds overlapping periods and combines them
 * @param $array
 * @return array
function flatternOverlaps($array){
    $r = [];
    foreach($array as $date => $list){
        $currentList = [];
        $prev = null;
        foreach($list as $item){
            if ($prev && $item['start_time'] < $prev['end_time']){
                if ($item['end_time'] > $prev['end_time']) {
                    $prev['end_time'] = $item['end_time'];
                $currentList[] = $item;

            // Point prev to the last item in the current list
            $prev = &$currentList[count($currentList)-1];
        $r[$date] = $currentList;

    return $r;

 * Sums the periods of each date
 * @param $array
 * @return array
function sumPeriods($array){
    $r = [];
    foreach($array as $date => $list){
        $seconds = array_reduce($list, function($carry, $item){ return $carry + $item['end_time'] - $item['start_time']; }, 0);
        $r[$date] = secondsToTime($seconds);
    return $r;
