计算负实数值的 Gamma 函数(C++,Boost)

calculating the Gamma function for negative real values (C++, Boost)


h = (a-b)^2/(a+b)^2)

阶乘函数可以通过为所有非负整数的实数定义的 Gamma 函数扩展为负值。

在编写严肃的代码时,我尝试了 boost::math::factorial 和 boost::math::tgamma,它们给出的结果仅低至 -1(不包括)-1.5 例如给出错误。

    #include <iostream>
    #include <boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp>

    int main()
        double x;
        double f;
        double tg;

        x = -0.5;
        f = boost::math::factorial<double>(x);
        tg = boost::math::tgamma<double>(x);
        cout << "factorial of " << x << " = " << f << endl;
        cout << "tgamma of " << x << " = " << tg << endl << endl;

        x = -1.5;
        f = boost::math::factorial<double>(x);
        tg = boost::math::tgamma<double>(x);
        cout << "factorial of " << x << " = " << f << endl;
        cout << "tgamma of " << x << " = " << tg << endl << endl;
        return 0;


factorial of -0.5 = 1
tgamma of -0.5 = -3.54491
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_implboost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::domain_error >' what(): Error in function boost::math::tgamma(long double): Evaluation of tgamma at a negative integer 0. Aborted (core dumped)

提升阶乘: boost factorial
提升 tgamma: boost tgamma


  1. 是否有替代 boost 的方法可以计算其负域的伽玛函数?
  2. 我在上面链接的 boost 文档中找不到阶乘和 tgamma 函数的实现域。事实上,我可能只是错误地使用了它们。确定 domain/correct 用法的方法是什么?


我刚刚尝试在 Mac 上使用 g++-10 重现您的问题,使用 boost.math 提交哈希 87929356790ad0(当前 develop),但我得到:

factorial of -0.5 = 1
tgamma of -0.5 = -3.54491

factorial of -1.5 = 1
tgamma of -1.5 = 2.36327

所以需要更多信息,B​​oost 版本,OS,编译器等等。

自 C++11 [1] 以来,伽马函数是标准库的一部分。


#include <cmath>

std::tgamma(-0.5) # -3.5449077
std::lgamma(-0.5) # 1.2655121

您不妨使用 tgammaltgammaf 对应 long doublefloat 类型。

  1. https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/math

我知道出了什么问题。 boost::math::factorial 函数接受一个 unsigned 整数 根据定义 :

template <class T>
inline T factorial(unsigned i)
   return factorial<T>(i, policies::policy<>());

这意味着如果您使用双精度调用它,它将隐式转换为无符号。那不是你想要的。此外,factorial 最终在内部使用 tgamma,所以你得到这个:

#include <boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp>
#include <iostream>

void foo(long double x) {
    using namespace boost::math;
    try {
        auto f = factorial<long double>(x);
        std::cout << "factorial of " << static_cast<unsigned>(x) << " = " << f << "\n";
    } catch(std::exception const& e) {
        std::cout << "error at " << static_cast<unsigned>(x) << ": " << std::quoted(e.what()) << "\n";

int main() {
    std::cout << std::unitbuf;


#0  boost::math::tgamma<long double, boost::math::policies::policy<boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy> > (a=4294967295, z=...)
    at /home/sehe/custom/boost_1_73_0/boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp:1994
No locals.
#1  0x0000555555558eb3 in boost::math::factorial<long double, boost::math::policies::policy<boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy, boost::math::policies::default_policy> > (i=4294967294, pol=...)
    at /home/sehe/custom/boost_1_73_0/boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp:44
        result = -0.667762310955655363645
#2  0x0000555555558674 in boost::math::factorial<long double> (i=4294967294)
    at /home/sehe/custom/boost_1_73_0/boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp:53
No locals.
#3  0x0000555555557792 in foo (x=-2) at /home/sehe/Projects/Whosebug/test.cpp:7
        f = <invalid float value>
#4  0x000055555555791f in main () at /home/sehe/Projects/Whosebug/test.cpp:16
No locals.

所以它试图给你boost::math::factorial<long double> (i=4294967294)


除了非负整数,不要使用 factorials

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#include <boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp>
#include <iostream>

void foo(long double x) {
    using namespace boost::math;
    try {
        auto tg = tgamma<long double>(x);
        std::cout << "tgamma    of " << x << " = " << tg << "\n" << std::endl;
    } catch(std::exception const& e) {
        std::cout << "error at " << x << ": " << std::quoted(e.what()) << std::endl;

int main() {
    for (auto x : { 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., -.2, -2., -.5, -1.5 })


tgamma    of 1 = 1

tgamma    of 2 = 1

tgamma    of 3 = 2

tgamma    of 4 = 6

tgamma    of 5 = 24

tgamma    of -0.2 = -5.82115

error at -2: "Error in function boost::math::tgamma<long double>(long double): Evaluation of tgamma at a negative integer -2."
tgamma    of -0.5 = -3.54491

tgamma    of -1.5 = 2.36327

它在 -2 溢出是可以理解的,但这是正确的。