升级到 Delphi 10.4 悉尼时缺少 ToolsAPI 接口方法的实现

Missing implementation for ToolsAPI interface method when upgrading to Delphi 10.4 Sydney

我已经在新虚拟机中安装了 Delphi 10.4 Sydney w/ Patch 2,并将 Delphi 10.3 Tokyo 源复制到它。

重建可视化工具(对于 DevExpress TcxSchedulerEvents)时出现此错误:

[dcc32 Error] EventVisualizr.pas(19): E2291 Missing implementation of interface method IOTAThreadNotifier.EvaluateComplete

我只删除了编译包cxLibraryRS26cxSchedulerRS26dxCoreRS26dxGDIPlusRS26,并添加了cxLibraryRS27cxSchedulerRS27dxCoreRS27dxGDIPlusRS27 - 没有其他代码更改:

我在 TEventViewerFrame 类型定义的第一行收到错误:

unit EventVisualizr;
// Copied and modified from TStringListVisualizer. Shows values for TcxSchedulerEvent properties:
// - ID
// - Caption
// - Custom property tt_fromdate (if it exists)
// - Custom property tt_todate (if it exists)
// - Start
// - Finish


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, ComCtrls, ToolsAPI, Vcl.ExtCtrls;

  TAvailableState = (asAvailable, asProcRunning, asOutOfScope, asNotAvailable);

  TEventViewerFrame = class(TFrame, IOTADebuggerVisualizerExternalViewerUpdater, IOTAThreadNotifier, IOTAThreadNotifier160)
    EventListView: TListView;
    procedure EventListViewData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
    FOwningForm: TCustomForm;
    FClosedProc: TOTAVisualizerClosedProcedure;
    FNotifierIndex: Integer;
    FCompleted: Boolean;
    FDeferredResult: string;
    FDeferredError: Boolean;
    FPropNames: TStrings;
    FAvailableState: TAvailableState;
    function Evaluate(Expression: string): string;
    procedure SetParent(AParent: TWinControl); override;
    procedure CloseVisualizer;
    procedure MarkUnavailable(Reason: TOTAVisualizerUnavailableReason);
    procedure RefreshVisualizer(const Expression, TypeName, EvalResult: string);
    procedure SetClosedCallback(ClosedProc: TOTAVisualizerClosedProcedure);
    procedure SetForm(AForm: TCustomForm);
    procedure AddEventItems(const Expression, TypeName, EvalResult: string);

    { IOTAThreadNotifier }
    procedure AfterSave;
    procedure BeforeSave;
    procedure Destroyed;
    procedure Modified;
    procedure ThreadNotify(Reason: TOTANotifyReason);
    procedure EvaluteComplete(const ExprStr, ResultStr: string; CanModify: Boolean;
      ResultAddress, ResultSize: LongWord; ReturnCode: Integer);
    procedure ModifyComplete(const ExprStr, ResultStr: string; ReturnCode: Integer);

    { IOTAThreadNotifier160 }
    procedure EvaluateComplete(const ExprStr, ResultStr: string; CanModify: Boolean;
      ResultAddress: TOTAAddress; ResultSize: LongWord; ReturnCode: Integer);

ToolsAPI.pas 中,两者都有 EvaluateComplete 定义,但在该源文件中没有实现:

IOTAThreadNotifier = interface(IOTANotifier)
  { This is called when the process state changes for this thread }
  procedure ThreadNotify(Reason: TOTANotifyReason);
  { This is called when an evaluate that returned erDeferred completes.
    ReturnCode <> 0 if error }
  procedure EvaluateComplete(const ExprStr, ResultStr: string; CanModify: Boolean;
    ResultAddress, ResultSize: LongWord; ReturnCode: Integer);
  { This is called when a modify that returned erDeferred completes.
    ReturnCode <> 0 if error }
  procedure ModifyComplete(const ExprStr, ResultStr: string; ReturnCode: Integer);

IOTAThreadNotifier160 = interface(IOTAThreadNotifier)
  { This is called when an evaluate that returned erDeferred completes.
    ReturnCode <> 0 if error }
  procedure EvaluateComplete(const ExprStr, ResultStr: string; CanModify: Boolean;
    ResultAddress: TOTAAddress; ResultSize: LongWord; ReturnCode: Integer); overload;

比较 ToolsAPI 文件时,我看到:

改名会不会是原因?在 10.3 版本中也没有 EvaluateComplete 过程的 'implementation'(这似乎很好,因为我对接口知之甚少)。

Why do I get the error Missing implementation of interface method in Delphi XE2? and Why do I get error Missing implementation?,我知道错误的原因可能是参数列表不同,但在这种情况下我不知道在哪里寻找正确的。

您的 TEventViewerFrame 仍然包含 'old' EvaluteComplete 的实现。

通过简单地将 TEventViewerFrame.EvaluteComplete 重命名为 TEventViewerFrame.EvaluateComplete 来修复它(以满足新的接口契约)。