C++ 静态数组初始化:内联初始化是否保留 space?

C++ static array initiation: does inline initialization reserve space?


static volatile uint16_t *ADCReadings = (uint16_t[64]){0};

static volatile uint16_t ADCReadings[64] = {0};

我正在为 AVR 上的 ISR 内部和外部使用的缓冲区保留 space。但是,尽管这很有趣,但我并不是想知道这是否是最好的方法 - 我想知道这两个声明之间的区别(如果有的话)是什么,以便我能更好地理解这一点.


Are the following two declarations equivalent?

没有。 (uint16_t[64]){0} 是一个临时数组(复合文字*),如果您尝试编译第一行,您将得到不言自明的 warning/error:

warning: temporary whose address is used as value of local variable 'ADCReadings' will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression (Clang)

error: taking address of temporary array (Gcc)


Gcc 手册reads:

In C, a compound literal designates an unnamed object with static or automatic storage duration. In C++, a compound literal designates a temporary object that only lives until the end of its full-expression. As a result, well-defined C code that takes the address of a subobject of a compound literal can be undefined in C++, so G++ rejects the conversion of a temporary array to a pointer.

Is this true even at global scope?

在这种情况下,Gcc 和 Clang 不会生成 warnings/errors。 Gcc手册进一步阅读:

As an optimization, G++ sometimes gives array compound literals longer lifetimes: when the array either appears outside a function or has a const-qualified type. ... if foo were a global variable, the array would have static storage duration. But it is probably safest just to avoid the use of array compound literals in C++ code.

所以看起来在全局范围内 ADCReadings 不会悬空。

I do know that the two different declarations produce different sized binaries

在第一种情况下,复合文字数组进入 .bss 部分,ADCReadings 进入 .data 部分:

0000000000004040 l     O .bss   0000000000000080     ._0
0000000000004010 g     O .data  0000000000000008     ADCReadings

ADCReadings 是指向 ._0.



0000000000004040 g     O .bss   0000000000000080     ADCReadings

这也转化为如何使用 ADCReadings。下面的简单函数:

uint16_t* foo() {
    return ADCReadings;


push   rbp
mov    rbp,rsp
mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rip+0x2ed8]        # 4010 <ADCReadings>
pop    rbp

push   rbp
mov    rbp,rsp
lea    rax,[rip+0x2f08]        # 4040 <ADCReadings>
pop    rbp

* Compound literals 不是标准 C++ 的一部分,一些编译器(Gcc、Clang)允许它们作为扩展。