EF 核心无法创建 Table,sql 语法错误

EF core can't create Table, error in sql syntax

我是 Entity framework 的新手,我不明白为什么它在 sql 语法中给我一个错误,我认为使用 EFCore 的全部目的是处理 sql 语法并抽象出所有 sql 查询


  class Block 
        public BlockHeader Header {get ;}
        public List<Transaction> Transactions {get;}

        public Block(List<Transaction> transactions, BlockHeader header)
            Transactions= transactions;
        public Block(){
    public class BlockHeader
        public byte[] Hash {get ;} 
        public byte[]  PreviousHash { get; }
        public DateTime timestamp { get; }
        public int version{ get; } 
        public byte[] MerkleRoot{ get; }
        public int SequenceNumber {get ; private set;}

        public BlockHeader (byte[] previoushash,int sequencenumber,List<Transaction> transactions)
            timestamp = DateTime.Now;
            PreviousHash =  previoushash;
            version = 1;
            SequenceNumber = sequencenumber;
            MerkleRoot = ComputeMerkleRoot(transactions);
            Hash = ComputeBlockHash();


这是我的数据库上下文 class

        class BlockchainDB : DbContext
            public BlockchainDB()

            protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
                optionsBuilder.UseMySQL("server=localhost;database = Blockchain ;user = root ; password = password");
            protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder){
                builder.Entity<Block>(e => e.HasNoKey());


dotnet ef database update


Failed executing DbCommand (2ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']

MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 3

EFCore 实体需要设置器,否则将不会设置引用。


public class Block 
  protected Block()
    // empty constructor needed for EF Core

  // Navigation properties 
  public virtual BlockHeader BlockHeader {get; private set;}

  // For collections 
  private readonly List<ChildEntity> _children = new List<ChildEntity>();
  public virtual IReadOnlyList<ChildEntity> Children => _children.ToList();

  // Encapsulated Business logic constructor 
  public Block(BlockHeader header, List<ChildEntity> children)
    _children = children;
    BlockHeader = header;

或者,您可以通过实体核心框架使用流畅的 api 模型构建器配置并显式映射关系。