不支持关闭 Eecutor 服务

Eecutor service shutdown is not supported

我正在使用 IBM Websphere 8.5.5 提供的执行器服务

ExecutorService es = (ExecutorService ) new InitialContext().lookup("wm/default")

当我调用 es.shutdown() 方法时,出现错误:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: ASYN0093E: The operation shutdown is not supported.


WebSphere Application Server 拒绝 shutdown 方法以符合 Concurrency Utilities for Java EE 规范的以下要求,第 3.1.6 节:生命周期 ,其中指出:

The lifecycle of ManagedExecutorService instances are centrally managed by the application server and cannot be changed by an application.

更明确地说,第 节 Java EE 产品供应商要求,其中明确指出:

The lifecycle of a ManagedExecutorService is managed by an application server. All lifecycle operations on the ManagedExecutorService interface will throw a java.lang.IllegalStateException exception. This includes the following methods that are defined in the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interface: awaitTermination(), isShutdown(), isTerminated(), shutdown(), and shutdownNow().
