将一个字典的值与另一个字典的键匹配 (Python)

Matching the values of one dictionary to the keys of another dictionary (Python)



我的Objective 我正在尝试将一个字典的值与另一个字典的键匹配。

dict1 有键但没有值 dict2 有键和值

dict2 的值可以作为 dict1 中的键找到。我正在尝试编写代码来识别 dict2 中的哪些值与 dict1.


我的尝试 注释代码如下。

dict1 = {('dict1_key1',): [], ('dict1_key2',): []} #dictionary with keys, but no values;

for i in dict2.keys():  #iterate through the keys of dict2
    for x in dict2[i]:  #reaching every element in tuples in dict2
        if x == dict1.keys():  #if match found in the name of keys in dict1
            print(f"{i} holding {x}.") #print which key and value pair in dict 2 match the keys in dict1

如果我按如下方式编写 for loop,代码就可以工作:

for i in dict2.keys():  #iterate through the keys of dict2
    for x in dict2[i]:  #reaching every element in tuples in dict2
        if x == dict1_key1 or x == dict1_key2():  #if match found in the name of keys in dict1
            print(f"{i} holding {x}.") #print which key and value pair in dict 2 match the keys in dict1

然而,dict1 实际上需要能够包含不同数量的键,这就是为什么我希望 if x == dict1.keys(): 可以工作。


@Mark Meyer


dict1 = {('Tower_001',): [], ('Tower_002'): []}

dict2 = {1: 'Block_A', 'Tower_001'] #first key in dict2
        #skipping keys 2 through 13
        {14: ['Block_N', 'Tower_002']#last key in dict2


dict1 = {('Tower_001',): [], ('Tower_005',): [], ('Tower_002',): []}

dict2 = {1: ['Block_A', 'Tower_001'], #first key in dict2
        14: ['Block_N', 'Tower_002']} #last key in dict2
set(k for l in dict2.values() for k in l) & set(k for l in dict1.keys() for k in l)
# {'Tower_001', 'Tower_002'}