无法将内容附加到 FormData()

Can't append content to FormData()

我有两个不同的 JS 函数来处理图像上传。一个读取文件并(全局)创建 FormData 对象,另一个通过 AJAX.

将其发送到 PHP 文件

即使 file 有效,我也无法将其附加到 FormData。也没有字符串。事实证明,我只是通过 Ajax 发送空的 XHRequests,因为我没有从 PHP 获得任何其他内容然后是空数组。

由于第一个 JS 函数全局初始化 formData 变量,所以第二个函数应该没有问题,对吗?



      var formUplImg = $('.form-upl-img');
      var fileInput  = $('.file-input');

      // Analyse files from input immediately
      fileInput.on('change', function(){

      // Upload images on submit
      formUplImg.on('submit', function(event) {
         uploadImg($(this), event);

      function readFile(id){
         // Grab file that's supposed to be uploaded
         var fileInput = document.getElementById(id);
         var fileCount = fileInput.files.length;
             formData  = new FormData();

         // If there is no file
         if( fileCount!= 1 ){
            // goodImg    = false;
            // Error message
            // showMsgBar(iClose, 'Da ist nichts.', 'Bitte wähle zuerst eine Datei aus.', red);

         // If there is a file
         } else {
            // Save file attributes
            var file      = fileInput.files[0];
            var fileName  = fileInput.files[0].name;
            var fileSize  = fileInput.files[0].size;
            var fileType  = fileInput.files[0].type;

            // If file is not an image
            if( !fileType.match(/image.*/) ) {
               // goodImg    = false;
               // Error message
               // showMsgBar(iClose, 'Ungültiger Dateityp.', 'Das Bild muss ein JPG, PNG, GIF oder SVG sein.', red);

            // If file is an image
            } else {
               // If file size exceeds 3MB
               if( fileSize > 3145728 ) {
                  // goodImg = false;
                  // Error message
                  // showMsgBar(iClose, 'Das Bild ist zu groß.', 'Die Dateigröße darf max. 3MB betragen.', red);

               // If image file size is ok
               } else {
                  // goodImg = true;
                  // Distinguish img use cases
                  if( fileInput.id.indexOf('icon') > -1 ) {
                     var imgUsage = 'icon'; // round user icon (for usage in header)
                  } else if ( fileInput.id.indexOf('logo') > -1 ) {
                     var imgUsage = 'logo'; // horizontal logo (contributors/admin or corporation logo)
                  } else if ( fileInput.id.indexOf('photo') > -1 ) {
                     var imgUsage = 'photo'; // photo for posts
                  } // img use cases

   console.log(file, imgUsage); // => the file with all attributes + 'icon'
                  formData.append(imgUsage+'_upload_input', file);
                  formData.append('img-usage', imgUsage);
   console.log(file, imgUsage); // => the file with all attributes + 'icon'
               } // /file size is ok
            } // /file is an image
         } // /file is not empty
      } // /readFile()

      function uploadImg($this, event){

         var serialForm = $this.serialize();
   console.log(serialForm.toString()); // => 'user_id=36'
            url        : "test-upload.php",
            type       : "POST",
            data       : formData+serialForm, 
            async      : true,
            cache      : false,
            processData: false,
            contentType: false,
            success    : function(callback){

               formdata = new FormData();

      } // /uploadImg
   }); // /jQuery


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
   <meta charset="utf-8" />
   <script src="js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript">

            <form action="" method="post" name="form_profile_icon_upload" class="form form-profile form-upl-img form-profile-side-right" id="form-profile-icon-upload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
               <fieldset class="fieldset icon-upload-fieldset" id="profile-icon-upload-fieldset">
                  <legend class="legend">Icon ändern <span class="label-span">(siehe oben)</span></legend>
                     <input type="file" name="icon_upload_input" class="file-input icon-upload-input" id="profile-icon-upload-input" />
                     <p class="form-txt"><strong>Hinweis:</strong><br />
                        Die Dateigröße darf <strong>3 MB</strong> nicht überschreiten. Quadratische Icons eignen sich optimal, sind aber kein Muss.</p>
                     <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="36" />
                     <button type="submit" name="profile_icon_upl_btn" class="button button-green form-sbmt-btn" id="profile-icon-upl-btn" value="Hochladen">Hochladen</button>
                     <p class="img-del-txt">
            </form><!-- Icon upload form -->


PHP 文件如下所示(用于测试目的):


   if( isset($_POST) && isset($_FILES) ){

echo ($_POST['icon_upload_input']);


我使用的是最新的 Firefox 35.0 和 jQuery 2.1.3。 谁能帮帮我?

你的问题在这里data: formData+serialForm,
FormData 必须单独传递,如果要向其添加数据使用构造函数或 append.

function uploadImg($this, event){
    var formData  = new FormData($this[0]); //construct the form data with the form
    formData.append(imgUsage+'_upload_input', file);
    formData.append('img-usage', imgUsage);
        data: formData, //just pass the formdata object


var file     = $('.file-input').prop('files')[0];
