R - 从字符串中删除引号之间的文本

R - Removing text between quotes from a string


"warning(\"Failed to parse headers:\n\", paste0(bad, \"\n\"), call. = FALSE)"
"names <- vapply(pieces, \"[[\", 2, FUN.VALUE = character(1))"
"new_response <- grepl(\"^HTTP\", lines)"
"header_lines <- lines[lines != \'\'][-1]"


问题: 我需要删除引号之间的所有内容,双引号 ("") 或单引号 ('')。


# First, get a list of all strings in the line
text_quotes <-  regmatches(line, gregexpr('"([^"]*)"', line))[[1]] # double quoes ""
text_quotes <- c(text_quotes, regmatches(line, gregexpr("'([^']*)'", line))[[1]]) # single quotes ''

# Remove the empty ones
text_quotes <- stringi::stri_remove_empty(text_quotes, na_empty = TRUE)
# Now, we can clean up the line
line_no_strings <- line
      if(length(text_quotes) > 0) 
        line_no_strings <- mgsub::mgsub(line, text_quotes, rep("", times = length(text_quotes)))

我的问题是,有些引号(我不知道如何称呼引号内的“位”)可能与正则表达式匹配,然后 mgsub 找不到它们。


"names <- vapply(pieces, \"[[\", 2, FUN.VALUE = character(1))"

其中一个“引号”是 \"[[\"。当我 运行 它时,它因以下内容而惨败:

 Error in gregexpr(pattern[i], string, ...) : 
  invalid regular expression '"[["', reason 'Missing ']'' 

编辑: 预期输出为(对于上面的每一行,有问题的情况在中间):

"warning(, paste0(bad, ), call. = FALSE)"
"names <- vapply(pieces, , 2, FUN.VALUE = character(1))"
"new_response <- grepl(, lines)"
"header_lines <- lines[lines != ][-1]"

我觉得应该有一种方法可以做到这一点 无需先提取 ,这样 R 的正则表达式就不会对我造成困扰。然而我又一次在正则表达式面前失败了。


gsub("[\"'].*?['\"]","", a)

[1] "warning(, paste0(bad, ), call. = FALSE)"               
[2] "}"                                                     
[3] "names <- vapply(pieces, , 2, FUN.VALUE = character(1))"
[4] "new_response <- grepl(, lines)"                        
[5] "header_lines <- lines[lines != ][-1]"  


a <- c("warning(\"Failed to parse headers:\n\", paste0(bad, \"\n\"), call. = FALSE)", 
        "}", "names <- vapply(pieces, \"[[\", 2, FUN.VALUE = character(1))", 
        "new_response <- grepl(\"^HTTP\", lines)", "header_lines <- lines[lines != ''] [-1]")